A simple first approximation...
def get_indices(data_list, query_list):
datum_index_mapping = {datum:None for datum in query_list}
for index, datum in enumerate(data_list):
if datum in datum_index_mapping:
datum_index_mapping[datum] = index
return [datum_index_mapping[d] for d in query_list]
The above is the most simple, intuitive solution which makes some effort to be efficient (by only bothering to store a dictionary of indices for the elements you actually want to look up).
However, it suffers from the fact that- even if the initial query list is very short- it'll iterate through the entire data list / data generator. In addition, it has to do a dictionary write every time it sees a value it's seen before. The below fixes those inefficiencies, although it adds the overhead of a set, so it must do a set write for each unique element in the query list, as well as a dictionary write for each unique element in the query list.
def get_indices(data_list, query_list):
not_found = set(query_list)
datum_index_mapping = {}
for index, datum in enumerate(data_list):
if datum in not_found:
datum_index_mapping[datum] = index
if len(not_found) == 0:
return [datum_index_mapping[d] for d in query_list]
Obviously, depending on your program, you may not actually want to have a list of indices at all, but simply have your function return the mapping.
If you'll be resolving multiple arbitrary query lists, you may want to simply do an enumerate()
on the original dataset as other answers have shown and keep the dictionary that maps values to indices in memory as well for query purposes.
What counts as efficient often depends upon the larger program; all we can do here are pigeonhole optimizations. It also depends on whether the memory hierarchy and processing power (i.e. can we parallelize? Is compute more expensive, or is memory more expensive? What's the I/O hit if we need to fallback to swap?).