How can I add a newline in the text of a label in WPF such as the following?


5 Answers 5


in WPF you can use the value "&#10;" or "&#xA;"

For example:

<Label Content="Lorem&#10;ipsum" />

("10" is the ASCII number for newline)


<Label Content="Lorem&#xA;ipsum" />

("A" is the ASCII number for newline in hex)

Example, with a border arround label to show boundry

  • 4
    Agreed this should be the accepted answer. It's more elegant and simpler to use.
    – Tyler C
    Commented Jun 16, 2017 at 13:05
  • 2
    This works fine if put straight into the XAML, but does not seem to work when put into a resource string - it just displays Lorem&#x0a;Ipsum in the label. As @stijn pointed out, this is what is required for localisation, but it doesn't work.
    – Dave
    Commented Jan 18, 2022 at 12:24

You need to use TextBlock because TextBlock accepts as children a collection of Inline objects. So you are giving the TextBlock element three Inline items: Run Text="Lorem", LineBreak, and Run Text="ipsum".

You can't do the following:


because a label accepts one content child element.

Also, not sure exactly what your use case is but notice I placed a TextBlock inside your Label element. Is it repetitive? Not really, depending on your need. Here's a good article on the differences between the two elements: Difference between Label and TextBlock

  • 1
    When I tried the answer above, I got an error for having a tag in the middle of my content. Instead, I used this: <TextBlock> <Run>First</Run> <LineBreak/> <Run>Second</Run> </TextBlock>
    – Pathogen
    Commented Apr 18, 2012 at 20:53
  • 4
    This works great but is not useful when using localization. In that case use Lorem&#x0a;Ipsum
    – stijn
    Commented May 30, 2013 at 7:17

When doing this in the ViewModel or Model, I have found that using Environment.NewLine has the most consistent outcome, including localization. It should work directly in the View as well, but I haven't tested that.


In the View

<Label Content="{Binding SomeStringObject.ParameterName}" />

In the ViewModel:

SomeStringObject.ParameterName = "First line" + Environment.NewLine + "Second line";

An example of how to add a ToolTip with multiple lines to a control, such as a button. The tooltip is width limited so it will wrap if a sentence is too wide.

<!-- Button would need some properties to make it clickable.-->
      <TextBlock Text="Line 1&#x0a;Line 2" MaxWidth="300" TextWrapping="Wrap"/>

Tested on VS2019 + .NET 4.6.1 + WPF.

<Label xml:space="preserve">text content
another line</Label>

seems to work too

  • This does what the question asks, but one caveat is that it also preserves whitespace. So "nicely formatted" text in XAML will include all those indenting spaces, too. Commented Mar 10, 2023 at 12:48

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