I have been following the documentation Heroku docs on the subject and have gone through this and tried variations on what it says to do to for

Direct database-to-database copies

I am convinced the docs are wrong or I have some setting or somthing wrong (do have admin access). I have also read some scattered things on SO that the command in the heroku CLI for how to do this has changed.

When I run this command (using the credentials for my heroku DB)

heroku pg:copy sushi::ORANGE GREEN --app sushi-staging

After I confirm the message:

WARNING: Destructive action ▸ This command will remove all data from

and confirm. Then I get an error that says:

Heroku PostgreSQL database must be source or target

What is the corrrect way to copy data from a postgresql database in one app to a postgresql database in another app on heroku?

7 Answers 7


The proper way to do this is:

heroku pg:copy [app name to copy from]::[app DB name] [DB to copy to] --app [app name to copy to]

So if you want to copy from database 'Orange' on app 'sushi' to database 'Green' on app 'sushi-staging', the command would be what you had:

heroku pg:copy sushi::Orange Green --app sushi-staging

Most of the time, you will only have one database on an app and the name won't be a color. It will be named 'DATABASE_URL'. You can find your database names in the config vars of the app. I had only one DB, so I had to do:

heroku pg:copy sushi::DATABASE_URL DATABASE_URL --app sushi-staging

Hope that helps

  • Will this destroy/remove the data in sushi::DATABASE_URL ?
    – jeanmw
    Nov 30, 2021 at 19:58
  • @jeanmw No, it will not remove the data in sushi::DATABASE_URL. I know it is a bit late but I am answering in case anyone new might get into the same issue. Sep 12, 2022 at 10:28

This was seriously not clear from the docs. And sombody at with heroku should make this clear.

heroku pg:copy ::DATABASE_URL -a ... 

You actually write the database as the string representation for the to-database-url but you use the environment variable name DATABASE_URL

  • 1
    Can you clarify your solution? I'm not sure if you mean that the from-database_url should be replaced with DATABSE_URL? And what goes in the ... ?
    – Stan James
    Jan 30, 2018 at 22:32
  • 2
    You define DATABASE_URL as an environment variable, and then you set it equal to the path to your heroku database there. You then literally include DATABASE_URL, and the command heroku pg:copy ::DATABASE_URL -a will automatically map to the defined environment variable. Jan 31, 2018 at 19:55

This worked for me:

heroku pg:copy [origin databasee URI] DATABASE_URL --app [app-name]


I had same issue, resolved by using HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_TEAL_URL instead of the DATABASE_URL:

heroku pg:copy postgresql-rugged-XXXX postgresql-closed-XXX -a app-name

Note: The two databases are attached here to the same app (app-name, in my case).

Now, how do you find the HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_TEAL_URL? You can find it here:

Heroku add-ons

  • This is the correct answer when dbs are in same app.
    – Rezoan
    Jul 15, 2021 at 3:49

The actual FULL command that worked for me, DATABASE_URL not being replacement for anything, was:

heroku pg:copy project1::DATABASE_URL project2::DATABASE_URL

heroku automatically fills in the environmental variables.


Unfortunately copy didn't work for me so I did a backup/restore operation

heroku pg:backups:capture --app [source-app]

If you run the command below, it will show the available backups from the source-app and its IDs

heroku pg:backups --app=[source-app]

Get your destination database URL using

heroku config:get DATABASE_URL --app [destination-app]

Then you create an env var named DATABASE_URL and add the information from the command above

export DATABASE_URL='postgres://…'

And finally the restore command. (just write DATABASE_URL as this will get the value from the env variable we've created before)

heroku pg:backups:restore [source-app]::[backup-id] DATABASE_URL --app [destination-app]

Update: Exporting the database_urls for both SOURCE and DESTINATION you can use the below to copy between apps

heroku pg:copy [source-app]::SOURCE DESTINATION --app [destination-app]

It's a different scenario if you're looking at transferring an app from one heroku account to another. You'd probably want to "transfer ownership". This is possible like so:

  1. You must ensure that the account receiving the new ownership has a credit-card detail (i.e if the original account has an accrued cost)

  2. Ensure you've added the new account receiving ownership as "a collaborator" in the original owners heroku-account. This can be done by clicking on the app (in your dashboard), click on the "Access" tab. Then add a collaborator, by inputting the email address of the heroku-account receiving ownership.

you can follow this guide as well: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/transferring-apps

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