After creating a new "Augment Reality App" project in Xcode, I want to move art.scnassets folder from its default location to /Resources/ folder that I created. So the folder path would be like Resources/art.scnassets. However, it fails to load a png file in it if I move the folder. See below:

Before (working):

// art.scnassets folder is in its default place
// below code loads image.png
print(UIImage(named: "art.scnassets/image.png")!)

After (not working):

// moved folder to "Resources/art.scnassets"
// Resources folder is a group.
// below returns `nil`
print(UIImage(named: "Resources/art.scnassets/image.png")!)

I cleaned up the builds, and checked Copy Bundle Resources menu as well, but there is nothing wrong. If I move art.scnassets folder back to the project root, it works, meaning code works fine.

What should I do to move art.scnassets to somewhere else? I am new to Swift.

1 Answer 1


Have you tried using the first code?

print(UIImage(named: "art.scnassets/image.png")!)

As far as I know it doesn't matter in which folder the scnassets are, you can refer to it the same way.


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