Is there any way I can parse shortcut data from .lnk files in Node (for instance, and mainly, the path it's pointing at)?

3 Answers 3


If you're using Electron, it has a built-in method:


import { shell } from 'electron';

const parsed = shell.readShortcutLink(shortcutPath);
  • target String - The target to launch from this shortcut.
  • cwd String (optional) - The working directory. Default is empty.
  • args String (optional) - The arguments to be applied to target when launching from this shortcut. Default is empty.
  • description String (optional) - The description of the shortcut. Default is empty.
  • icon String (optional) - The path to the icon, can be a DLL or EXE. icon and iconIndex have to be set together. Default is empty, which uses the target's icon.
  • iconIndex Number (optional) - The resource ID of icon when icon is a DLL or EXE. Default is 0.
  • appUserModelId String (optional) - The Application User Model ID. Default is empty.

Aminadav Glickshtein's answer didn't work for me since the package involved has a problem in electron projects, as per my comment. The following package worked better:


  • I found this windows-shortcuts-ps to work very well, within Electron (9), where none of the above would. It exports a function and returns a Promise, so you use it actually this way: ``` const { getPath } = require('windows-shortcuts-ps') const truefilePath = await getPath(lnkFilePath) ``` Oct 8, 2020 at 23:21

You can use the npm package windows-shortcuts



ws.query("C:/ProgramData/Microsoft/Windows/Start Menu/Windows Update.lnk", 

/* From console:
null { expanded:
   { args: 'startmenu',
     workingDir: 'C:\\Windows\\system32',
     icon: 'C:\\Windows\\system32\\wucltux.dll' },
  target: '%windir%\\system32\\wuapp.exe',
  args: 'startmenu',
  workingDir: '%windir%\\system32',
  runStyle: 1,
  icon: '%windir%\\system32\\wucltux.dll',
  iconIndex: '0',
  hotkey: 0,
  desc: 'Delivers software updates and drivers, and provides automatic updating options.' }
  • Unfortunately this library doesn't work in electron projects and shows no signs of being fixed: github.com/j201/windows-shortcuts/issues/9 Jan 9, 2020 at 21:23
  • 1. not working with non-ascii chars 2. very slow because spawns separate process instead of reading lnks with fs module
    – VityaSchel
    May 5, 2022 at 20:32

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