I want to add a multi-line TODO comment to my PyCharm project.

# TODO: Multiple errors can be wrapped inside an exception.
#       WfcApiException should do recursive error checking to locate
#       and store an arbitrary number of nested errors.

Unfortunately, PyCharm only recognizes the first line as a TODO comment. Any following lines are viewed as standard Python comments.

Failed attempt at a multi-line TODO statement in PyCharm

What is the correct way to format a multi-line TODO comment in PyCharm?

  • Unfortunately, you cannot format multiline TODO comments using PyCharm. There are numerous forum posts that you can google up to confirm this. Commented Feb 6, 2018 at 15:06

2 Answers 2


Pycharm 2018.3 does support multiline todo, yay!



So, using your TODO comment:

# TODO: Multiple errors can be wrapped inside an exception.
#       WfcApiException should do recursive error checking to locate
#       and store an arbitrary number of nested errors.


enter image description here

Actually, you only need to indent the following lines one character to the right of the TODO so this would be just on the limit from being detected:

enter image description here

And the todo is captured as a single item, of course:

enter image description here


Update: It appears JetBrains added this feature, see payala's answer

PyCharm does not support multi-line TODOs, one alternative option would be to use a multi line string

TODO foobar

This won't have the TODO highlighting like # TODO foo, but it will stand out from the rest of your code with the string highlighting.

You could also try

# TODO -----------------
# TODO  foobar this
# TODO  comment 
# TODO  comment
# TODO  comment
# TODO ------------------

If you have a particularly chunky and important TODO note.

  • In addition to this, you can easily accomplish the multi-line # TODO by double-pressing and holding CTRL key to enable multi-line cursor. See documentation here: jetbrains.com/help/pycharm/multicursor.html I cannot say this will look pretty but to accomplish what OP wants, this is one of the easiest way.
    – r.ook
    Commented Feb 6, 2018 at 21:58

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