I am trying to build a form based on Redux Form - Wizard Example (https://codesandbox.io/s/0Qzz3843). On the first page of the questionnaire, I have a set of options (checkbox). I want to be able to generate the succeeding pages based on what the user selected on the first page. If, for example, the user selected options A,B and F from options A-J, the succeeding pages will only be questions for A, B and F, respectively. These succeeding pages will have the same set of fields (title, description, budget).
I am sure I only need to create one component for this set of fields, plus another component/s that I need to be able to dynamically produce the pages for each state (option) set in the first page.
I am thinking a switch/case without a break for each case might work (implemented inside my wrapper component), but would there be a more elegant way of doing it?
I am very new to this and would greatly appreciate directions/suggestions/help with some codes. Thanks a lot!