I'm using Bootstrap v4.0.0

I have included the necessary JavaScript files (jQuery, popper and Bootstrap) and the necessary CSS files as well.

This is the HTML:

<body data-spy="scroll" data-target="#my-navbar-collapse" data-offset="100">
    <!-- ... -->
    <div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="my-navbar-collapse">
        <ul class="nav navbar-nav" role="tablist">
            <li class="nav-item">
                <a class="nav-link" href="#one">One</a>
            <li class="nav-item">
                <a class="nav-link" href="#two">Two</a>
    <!-- ... -->
    <section id="one">
    <!-- ... -->
    <section id="two">
        More content.
    <!-- ... -->
        $(function() {
            // As per the official docs: 
            // https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/components/scrollspy/#events
            $('[data-spy="scroll"]').on('activate.bs.scrollspy', function() {
                console.log("This event is not firing...");

The menu items get highlighted properly when scrolling, but the JavaScript event activate.bs.scrollspy is not firing.

I also tried to hook the event to the navbar itself, but it does not fire either:

$('#my-navbar-collapse').on('activate.bs.scrollspy', function () {
    console.log("Not firing either...");

I used to use this code with Bootstrap 3 and worked just fine.

Any thoughts?

Thank you.

2 Answers 2


For some reason explained here, when you use body for the spy element the event gets activated on the window.

        $(window).on('activate.bs.scrollspy', function () {
            console.log("This event is not firing...");

Demo: https://www.codeply.com/go/aN4tfy0zU0


The target element can be obtained in the 2nd event param:

      $(window).on('activate.bs.scrollspy', function (e,obj) {
  • That solved it!. Thank you. By any chance, do you know how to get the current anchor? I used to do it like this: $(window).on('activate.bs.scrollspy', function (e) { var anchor = $(e.target).find('a'); }); -- Or I could ask a separate question.
    – zed
    Feb 8, 2018 at 20:36
  • 4
    In Bootstrap 5 there does not appear to be a 2nd parameter so you get the target element from e.relatedTarget
    – Joe Hakooz
    Jun 9, 2021 at 20:45
  • Joe and Zim - dream team! Those two answers combined let me find out what element was targetted in bootstrap 5.
    – CeeGee
    Jul 21, 2022 at 10:52

@kim gave the right answer, but I also needed to hook to a scroll-end event, which does not seem to exist - so created something simple using a timeout:

// reset scroll watcher ##
clearTimeout( jQuery.data(this, 'scrollTimer'));

jQuery(window).on('activate.bs.scrollspy', function ( e,obj ) {
    // console.log(obj.relatedTarget);
    jQuery.data( this, 'scrollTimer', setTimeout(function() {
        // console.log("Didn't scroll in 1/4 sec..");

        // no scroll items are marked as active ##
        if ( ! jQuery(".scrollspy-item.active")[0]){ 

            // console.log("Can't fund any active scrollspy items..");

            // add class to parent again ##
            jQuery(".list-group-item.current").addClass( 'active' );


    }, 250 ) );


In this case, I'm checking if any "scrollspy-items" are marked as active, or not and then adding the active class to a parent item, as we use the scrollspy in place in a sidebar menu.

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