I'm trying to assign a variable using the result of a function.

MAT2 _m_pow2(const MAT2 A, int p, MAT2 tmp)
  MAT2 out;
  int it_cnt, k, max_bit;
#define Z(k) (((k) & 1) ? tmp : out)

  out = m_get2(A.m, A.n);
  tmp = m_get2(A.m, A.n);
  if(p == 0)
    out = m_ident2(out);
  else if(p > 0)
    it_cnt = 1;
    for(max_bit = 0; ; max_bit++)
      if((p >> (max_bit+1)) == 0)
      tmp = m_copy2(A);
      for(k = 0; k < max_bit; k++)
        Z(it_cnt+1) = m_mlt2(Z(it_cnt), Z(it_cnt));
        if(p & (1 << (max_bit-1)))
          Z(it_cnt+1) = m_mlt2(A, Z(it_cnt));
        p <<= 1;
      if(it_cnt & 1)
        out = m_copy2(Z(it_cnt));
  return out;
#undef Z

The function m_mlt2() returns MAT2. I am getting these errors:

error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment

Z(it_cnt+1) = m_mlt2(Z(it_cnt), Z(it_cnt));


error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment

Z(it_cnt+1) = m_mlt2(A, Z(it_cnt));

What am I doing wrong? If it needs more detais, please, feel free to ask. Thanks in advance!

P.S. I know I will get downvotes, I tried to do my best formulating this question.

  • Welcome to the site! Check out the tour and the how-to-ask page for more about asking questions that will attract quality answers. You can edit your question to include more information. See this answer for one possibility.
    – cxw
    Commented Feb 15, 2018 at 19:35
  • 2
    Try making this into a minimal reproducible example, please! <3 Commented Feb 15, 2018 at 19:36
  • 2
    Your Z macro does not generate an lvalue, as the error says.
    – vanza
    Commented Feb 15, 2018 at 19:37
  • 4
    Could use #define Z(k) (((k) & 1) ? &tmp : &out) ... *Z(it_cnt+1) = m_mlt2(A, *Z(it_cnt)); it should compile and sadly win the wrath of other programmers. Commented Feb 15, 2018 at 19:42
  • @machine_1I forgot to remove that. Thanks! Commented Feb 15, 2018 at 19:55

2 Answers 2


(((k) & 1) ? tmp : out) is not an l-value. The result is the value of either tmp, or out, NOT the variable name.

You might try something like this;

  MAT2 out[2];
  int it_cnt, k, max_bit;
  out[1] = tmp;
#define Z(k) out[(((k) & 1))]
  • A good alternative if MAT2 is a pointer or simple type/structure. Commented Feb 15, 2018 at 19:53

The Z macro expands to a ternary expression. So:

Z(it_cnt+1) = m_mlt2(Z(it_cnt), Z(it_cnt));

expands to (in part):

(((it_cnt+1) & 1) ? tmp : out) = m_mlt2(...);

As a result, you have a ternary expression ( ? : ) on the left side of the assignment =.

An lvalue is (very roughly speaking) a value you can assign to. As this answer points out, in C (not C++), the ternary operator does not produce an lvalue. Instead, as @cleblanc mentioned, it gives you the values of the expressions.

Edit This is C++ code, so your best bet is probably to switch to C++. An example modified from this question:


int main()
 int a=5,b=6;
 ( ((a>b) & 1) ? a : b ) = 42;
 printf("%d %d\n", a, b);
 return 0;

In C:

$ gcc foo.c && ./a
foo.c: In function ‘main’:
foo.c:6:26: error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment
  ( ((a>b) & 1) ? a : b ) = 42;

In C++:

$ g++ foo.cpp && ./a
5 42

If you can't use C++, I'd use @chux's idea, quoted here for posterity: #define Z(k) (((k) & 1) ? &tmp : &out) ... *Z(it_cnt+1) = m_mlt2(A, *Z(it_cnt));.

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