How can I delete the old migrations differences? When doing doctrine:generate-migrations-diff I get no problems, but when doing the doctrine:migrate I get problems. It seems as if doctrine is trying to migrate old stuff that doesnt "count" any longer ...


3 Answers 3


Just to complement the selected answer (from the documentation):

Adding a version:

./doctrine migrations:version YYYYMMDDHHMMSS --add

Deleting a version:

./doctrine migrations:version YYYYMMDDHHMMSS --delete

The command does not execute any migrations code, it simply adds the specified version to the database.

More info


Either delete the migration class or add the generate version table (can't remember the exact name) and set the value to the migration you want start from.

  • Where do I find this class or table?
    – user89862
    Commented Feb 3, 2011 at 10:57
  • 1
    Once you've run a migration, there will be a new table in that database. I think it called migration_version. It should have one column with one row. If you just change the value of the row to the migration before the one you want to run.
    – xzyfer
    Commented Feb 3, 2011 at 10:59
  • When you generate doctrine migrations it creates class files that extend Doctrine_Migration. If you just delete the migrations you don't want to run, then the won't run when you call doctrine:migrate. If you're using symfony, those migration class are in lib/migration.
    – xzyfer
    Commented Feb 3, 2011 at 11:01
  • I just deleted all the php files I could find inside migration/doctrine. Worked like a dream :)
    – user89862
    Commented Feb 3, 2011 at 11:07

In Symfony 5, the migrations are in the src/Migrations folder.

I found that locally I had deleted the bad migration, but on production the old Migrations files where still there even after a git push.

I also cleared the table (or migration) in the database in the table migration_version

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