Here is an example trace where I'm able to call erlang:monitor/2 on the same Pid:

1> Loop = fun F() -> F() end.
2> Pid = spawn(Loop).
3> erlang:monitor(process, Pid).
4> erlang:monitor(process, Pid).
5> erlang:monitor(process, Pid).

The expressions returned by instruction #4 and #5 are different than #3, meaning that it is possible to create multiple monitor references between the current process and Pid. Is there a practical case where you would need or use multiple monitor references to the same process?

I would expect this to return the same reference (returning a new one would perhaps imply that the old one had failed/crashed), following the same logic that exists for link/1.

1 Answer 1


Imagine you use third party library which does this (basically what OTP *:call/* functions does):

call(Pid, Request) ->
    call(Pid, Request, ?DEFAULT_TIMEOUT).

call(Pid, Request, Timeout) ->
    MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
    Pid ! {call, self(), MRef, Request},
      {answer, MRef, Result} ->
        erlang:demonitor(Mref, [flush]),
        {ok, Result};
      {'DOWN', MRef, _, _, Info} ->
        {error, Info}
    after Timeout ->
        erlang:demonitor(MRef, [flush]),
        {error, timeout}

and then you use it in your code where you would monitor the same process Pid and then call function call/2,3.

my_fun1(Service) ->
    MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Service),
    ok = check_if_service_runs(MRef),
    ok = check_if_service_runs(MRef),
    erlang:demonitor(MRef, [flush]),

check_if_service_runs(MRef) ->
      {'DOWN', MRef, _, _, Info} -> {down, Info}
    after 0 -> ok

my_fun2(S) -> my_fun3(S).

% and a many layers of other stuff and modules
my_fun3(S) -> call(S, hello).

What a nasty surprise it would be if erlang:monitor/2,3 would always return the same reference and if erlang:demonitor/1,2 would remove your previous monitor. It would be a source of ugly and unsolvable bugs. You should start to think that there are libraries, other processes, your code is part of a huge system and Erlang was made by experienced people who thought it through. Maintainability is key here.

  • Having started to look into OTP I have to confess this did not cross my mind. However, wouldn't cast be a more appropriate example than call since it is asynchronous and it is possible to have multiple pending requests? I think that a process that is executing your implementation of call/3 can only execute one operation at a time, thus requiring only one monitoring reference. Is this true? Otherwise, I think I definitely understood how it may be useful. Thank you very much for the answer. Feb 22, 2018 at 19:19
  • @goncalotomas: You still didn't get it. The problem is not if it is a call or a cast but in code outside those. You can keep the monitor in your code, or another third party library. In a functional language with immutability, it is custom to make libraries with opaque states, callbacks and so on and those states could contain MRefs and keep it as long as they need. You must think bigger. There is biggest functional language commercial project ADX301 for which was Erlang designed and used to with 2 millions lines of code. You must think much bigger. Feb 22, 2018 at 19:43
  • @goncalotomas: I have added some more code which I hope helps you understand the issue more. It is very artificial but I hope it helps. Feb 22, 2018 at 19:47
  • 1
    I think I see it now - there might be several 'layers' of code that self() ends up executing that might call erlang:monitor/2 for the same Pid, and in that case you pretty much need a unique reference or otherwise things would become chaotic pretty quickly. I guess that explains it, thanks! Your last code additions helped a lot. Feb 22, 2018 at 21:49

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