I'm adding tests on a project and improving coverage. I would like to know how can I test a module definition (mymodule.module.ts file) in NestJs. In particular, I'm testing a main module that imports other modules, one of them inits a db connection, this means that I need to mock the service on the other module, to avoid a real db connection. At this moment I have something like this:

beforeEach(async () => {
    const instance: express.Application = express();

    module = await NestFactory.create(MyModule, instance);
describe('module bootstrap', () => {
    it('should initialize entities successfully', async () => {
        controller = module.get(MyController);

        expect(controller instanceof MyController).toBeTruthy();

This works, but I'm sure this can get improvements :)

The ideal thing would be something like overrideComponent method provided by Test.createTestingModule.

P.S: I'm using 4.5.2 version

3 Answers 3


Improved my tests based on @laurent-thiebault answer:

import { Test } from '@nestjs/testing';
import { ThingsModule } from './things.module';
import { ThingsResolver } from './things.resolver';
import { ThingsService } from './things.service';

describe('ThingsModule', () => {
  it('should compile the module', async () => {
    const module = await Test.createTestingModule({
      imports: [ThingsModule],


You can now test your module (at least for code coverage) by building it that way:

describe('MyController', () => {
    let myController: MyController;

    beforeEach(async () => {
        const module = await Test.createTestingModule({
           imports: [MyModule],

        myController = module.get<MyController>(MyController);

    it('should the correct value', () => {

We usually didn't test .module.ts files directly.

we do this in e2e testing.

but I wonder why one should test the the module ! and you are trying to test if the module can initialize it's components , it should.

but i recommend you do this in e2e testing. in my opinion, in unit testing you should focus on testing the services or other components behaviors not the modules.

  • 2
    Yes, I'm trying to test if a module can initialize all its dependencies successfully. Improving coverage would be a collateral benefit. Something like this medium.com/spektrakel-blog/… but in NestJs version.
    – Eric
    Commented Feb 28, 2018 at 14:20
  • 4
    The other reason is to show coverage on code coverage report, if we don't test it it's red
    – Reza
    Commented Jun 4, 2021 at 14:24
  • 4
    @Reza Adding this to package.json jest: {"collectCoverageFrom": ["**/*.{!(module),}.(t|j)s"]} fixes the problem with "red" coverage.
    – rawonstack
    Commented Oct 21, 2022 at 23:40

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