Forgive my lack of expertise, but I am attempting to integrate and import This Grid System Into my own Vue Setup and Im having some slight trouble. Now, I normally import Plugins like so:

import VuePlugin from 'vue-plugin'


and I'm then able to use the components of said plugin globally, however this is not a plugin and I'm having trouble pulling in/importing the needed components into my own components... suggestions?

1 Answer 1


If you use it via NPM:

First, install:

npm install --save vue-grid-layout

Then "register" it (probably a .vue - or .js - file):

import VueGridLayout from 'vue-grid-layout'

export default {
  components: {
    'GridLayout': VueGridLayout.GridLayout,
    'GridItem': VueGridLayout.GridItem

If you use it via <script> tag:

Naturally, add it somewhere:

<script src="some-cdn-or-folder/vue-grid-layout.min.js"></script>

And "register" it (propably a .js file or another <script> tag):

var GridLayout = VueGridLayout.GridLayout;
var GridItem = VueGridLayout.GridItem;

new Vue({
    el: '#app',
    components: {
        "GridLayout": GridLayout,
        "GridItem": GridItem

And... in your templates

In both cases, you can then use <grid-layout ...></grid-layout> in your template.

  • thanks, that did it. however i was wondering, is there anyway to make the component definition cleaner by doing something like import VueGridLayout.GridLayout as GridLayout from 'vue-grid-layout' and then defining it in my components as just components: { GridLayout, ... } Feb 26, 2018 at 20:11
  • I don't think so, because I'm assuming the VueGridLayout is the default import, and you can't destructure those. You could declare a const GridLayout = VueGridLayout.GridLayout, but I believe that's what you are trying to run away from...
    – acdcjunior
    Feb 26, 2018 at 20:36

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