am using angular-material with angular 5. mat-grid-tile has it's own top padding that calculates using calc method.

I want to set custom padding on mat-grid-tile. How can i do this?


3 Answers 3


The grid tile component sets top padding dynamically on the element itself, so you need to use the !important modifier in your CSS to override it.


<mat-grid-tile class="my-grid-tile"></mat-grid-tile>


.my-grid-tile {
    padding-top: 24px !important;

Setting rowHeight of mat-grid-list works for me, the G. Tranter doesn't work because the mat-grid-list has a padding It's set dynamically too and cannot be setted with !important.

 <!-- 70px to prevent hide floatLabel in matInput --> 
 <mat-grid-list cols="2" rowHeight="70px">
       <!-- your controls --> 

Ref: https://material.angular.io/components/grid-list/examples

"@angular/material": "^6.4.3"
"@angular/core": "^6.1.0"

To get rid of the padding on top of mat grid tile restrict the height of the mat grid tile using this line of code:

<mat-grid-list cols='2' rowHeight='200px'>

Increment or reduce the pixels to fit all the rows of your mat tile content.

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