I have bootstrapped an app using create-react-app. I have a token that I don't wish to push to GitHub.

I have ran yarn add dontenv and then tried to import the env variable to my App.js file.

My code looks like this



Then my app.js file looks like this:


import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';

const App = props => {
    return <p>Test</p>

process.env.token is undefined. Can anyone advise how to use token in the front end or how I should do this using a bootstrapped create-react-app?


4 Answers 4


You don't need dotenv (and I doubt that library will work at runtime in a client-side application anyway).

create-react-app actually provides this functionality out of the box, assuming you're using [email protected] or higher.

The steps are as follows:

  • Create a .env file in the root of your project.
  • Add a variable, starting with the prefix REACT_APP_.
  • Access it via process.env.

That second bit is the important part - to avoid you exposing variables by accident, create-react-app forces you to use a prefix as a way of saying "yes, I know what I'm doing".

If you're not intending to push the file to source control (which you shouldn't be, if it's got secret keys in!), then using an .env.local file is more idiomatic - that requires [email protected] or higher, though.

  • 10
    Note: You need to restart your server after making these corrections Aug 31, 2019 at 0:28
  • 2
    @TOLULOPEADETULA took me sometime to figure that out, thanks!
    – dpacman
    Aug 3, 2020 at 5:14

for anybody that does not get this to work, try this

if you want git to ignore it you can create a .env.local file and git will ignore it. Look at your .gitignore file and you will find the `.env.local``

  1. create .env.local file in your root folder
  2. Open your .env.local
  3. IMPORTANT, all your environment variables MUST start with REACT_APP_
  4. Create an environment variables REACT_APP_BASE_URL
  5. Restart your application (kill it)
  6. To access environment variables you write process.env.REACT_APP_BASE_URL
  • 1
    Thank you for the great answer. ".env.local" or ".env" they both work fine.
    – Abdulhakim
    Dec 8, 2022 at 18:53
 - Create .env file in root folder

 - Open to .env file

    **NOTE** starting with the prefix REACT_APP_ (IMPORTANT)

 - Access it use process.env

 - And use with template string
 eg emailjs.send(`${REACT_APP_SERVICE_ID}`,`${REACT_APP_TEMPLATE_ID}`, values, `${REACT_APP_API_KEY}` )
      .then((response) => {
         console.log('SUCCESS!', response.status, response.text);
      }, (err) => {
         console.log('FAILED...', err);

When you do any changes or need to create at .env file don't forget to restart  
appliction "npm start"

hopefully, you'll find this helpful :)


You don't have to use any code logic for this purpose. You have to use different .env files for production and development if you want to serv different values for different environments. See my answer here

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