In case you are interested in modifying ggplot2
in more and other ways, I recommend the vignette:
Now for your problem at hand, I think the shortcut of a clean solution goes as follows:
DF <- data.frame(labelx = rep(c('my long label','short'), c(2,26)),
labely = rep(c('a','b'), each = 14),
x = c(letters[1:2], letters[1:26]),
y = LETTERS[6:7],
i = rnorm(28))
# ad-hoc replacement for the "draw_panels" method, sorry for the hundred lines of code...
# only modification is marked with a comment
draw_panels_new <- function(panels, layout, x_scales, y_scales, ranges, coord, data, theme, params) {
cols <- which(layout$ROW == 1)
rows <- which(layout$COL == 1)
axes <- render_axes(ranges[cols], ranges[rows], coord, theme, transpose = TRUE)
col_vars <- unique(layout[names(params$cols)])
row_vars <- unique(layout[names(params$rows)])
attr(col_vars, "type") <- "cols"
attr(col_vars, "facet") <- "grid"
attr(row_vars, "type") <- "rows"
attr(row_vars, "facet") <- "grid"
strips <- render_strips(col_vars, row_vars, params$labeller, theme)
aspect_ratio <- theme$aspect.ratio
if (is.null(aspect_ratio) && !params$free$x && !params$free$y) {
aspect_ratio <- coord$aspect(ranges[[1]])
if (is.null(aspect_ratio)) {
aspect_ratio <- 1
respect <- FALSE
} else {
respect <- TRUE
ncol <- max(layout$COL)
nrow <- max(layout$ROW)
panel_table <- matrix(panels, nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol, byrow = TRUE)
if (params$space_free$x) {
ps <- layout$PANEL[layout$ROW == 1]
widths <- vapply(ps, function(i) diff(ranges[[i]]$x.range), numeric(1))
# replaced "widths" below with custom manual values c(1,4)
panel_widths <- unit(c(1,4), "null")
} else {
panel_widths <- rep(unit(1, "null"), ncol)
if (params$space_free$y) {
ps <- layout$PANEL[layout$COL == 1]
heights <- vapply(ps, function(i) diff(ranges[[i]]$y.range), numeric(1))
panel_heights <- unit(heights, "null")
} else {
panel_heights <- rep(unit(1 * aspect_ratio, "null"),
panel_table <- gtable_matrix("layout", panel_table, panel_widths,
panel_heights, respect = respect, clip = "on", z = matrix(1, ncol = ncol, nrow = nrow))
panel_table$layout$name <- paste0("panel-", rep(seq_len(ncol), nrow), "-", rep(seq_len(nrow), each = ncol))
panel_table <- gtable_add_col_space(panel_table, theme$panel.spacing.x %||% theme$panel.spacing)
panel_table <- gtable_add_row_space(panel_table, theme$panel.spacing.y %||% theme$panel.spacing)
panel_table <- gtable_add_rows(panel_table, max_height(axes$x$top), 0)
panel_table <- gtable_add_rows(panel_table, max_height(axes$x$bottom), -1)
panel_table <- gtable_add_cols(panel_table, max_width(axes$y$left), 0)
panel_table <- gtable_add_cols(panel_table, max_width(axes$y$right), -1)
panel_pos_col <- panel_cols(panel_table)
panel_pos_rows <- panel_rows(panel_table)
panel_table <- gtable_add_grob(panel_table, axes$x$top, 1, panel_pos_col$l, clip = "off",
name = paste0("axis-t-", seq_along(axes$x$top)), z = 3)
panel_table <- gtable_add_grob(panel_table, axes$x$bottom, -1, panel_pos_col$l, clip = "off",
name = paste0("axis-b-", seq_along(axes$x$bottom)), z = 3)
panel_table <- gtable_add_grob(panel_table, axes$y$left, panel_pos_rows$t, 1, clip = "off",
name = paste0("axis-l-", seq_along(axes$y$left)), z = 3)
panel_table <- gtable_add_grob(panel_table, axes$y$right, panel_pos_rows$t, -1, clip = "off",
name = paste0("axis-r-", seq_along(axes$y$right)), z = 3)
switch_x <- !is.null(params$switch) && params$switch %in% c("both", "x")
switch_y <- !is.null(params$switch) && params$switch %in% c("both", "y")
inside_x <- (theme$strip.placement.x %||% theme$strip.placement %||% "inside") == "inside"
inside_y <- (theme$strip.placement.y %||% theme$strip.placement %||% "inside") == "inside"
strip_padding <- convertUnit(theme$strip.switch.pad.grid, "cm")
panel_pos_col <- panel_cols(panel_table)
if (switch_x) {
if (!is.null(strips$x$bottom)) {
if (inside_x) {
panel_table <- gtable_add_rows(panel_table, max_height(strips$x$bottom), -2)
panel_table <- gtable_add_grob(panel_table, strips$x$bottom, -2, panel_pos_col$l, clip = "on",
name = paste0("strip-b-", seq_along(strips$x$bottom)), z = 2)
} else {
panel_table <- gtable_add_rows(panel_table, strip_padding, -1)
panel_table <- gtable_add_rows(panel_table, max_height(strips$x$bottom), -1)
panel_table <- gtable_add_grob(panel_table, strips$x$bottom, -1, panel_pos_col$l, clip = "on",
name = paste0("strip-b-", seq_along(strips$x$bottom)), z = 2)
} else {
if (!is.null(strips$x$top)) {
if (inside_x) {
panel_table <- gtable_add_rows(panel_table, max_height(strips$x$top), 1)
panel_table <- gtable_add_grob(panel_table, strips$x$top, 2, panel_pos_col$l, clip = "on",
name = paste0("strip-t-", seq_along(strips$x$top)), z = 2)
} else {
panel_table <- gtable_add_rows(panel_table, strip_padding, 0)
panel_table <- gtable_add_rows(panel_table, max_height(strips$x$top), 0)
panel_table <- gtable_add_grob(panel_table, strips$x$top, 1, panel_pos_col$l, clip = "on",
name = paste0("strip-t-", seq_along(strips$x$top)), z = 2)
panel_pos_rows <- panel_rows(panel_table)
if (switch_y) {
if (!is.null(strips$y$left)) {
if (inside_y) {
panel_table <- gtable_add_cols(panel_table, max_width(strips$y$left), 1)
panel_table <- gtable_add_grob(panel_table, strips$y$left, panel_pos_rows$t, 2, clip = "on",
name = paste0("strip-l-", seq_along(strips$y$left)), z = 2)
} else {
panel_table <- gtable_add_cols(panel_table, strip_padding, 0)
panel_table <- gtable_add_cols(panel_table, max_width(strips$y$left), 0)
panel_table <- gtable_add_grob(panel_table, strips$y$left, panel_pos_rows$t, 1, clip = "on",
name = paste0("strip-l-", seq_along(strips$y$left)), z = 2)
} else {
if (!is.null(strips$y$right)) {
if (inside_y) {
panel_table <- gtable_add_cols(panel_table, max_width(strips$y$right), -2)
panel_table <- gtable_add_grob(panel_table, strips$y$right, panel_pos_rows$t, -2, clip = "on",
name = paste0("strip-r-", seq_along(strips$y$right)), z = 2)
} else {
panel_table <- gtable_add_cols(panel_table, strip_padding, -1)
panel_table <- gtable_add_cols(panel_table, max_width(strips$y$right), -1)
panel_table <- gtable_add_grob(panel_table, strips$y$right, panel_pos_rows$t, -1, clip = "on",
name = paste0("strip-r-", seq_along(strips$y$right)), z = 2)
Continuing in new code block to stop the scrolling:
# need to pre-set the same environment to find things like e.g.
# gtable_matrix() from package gtable
environment(draw_panels_new) <- environment(FacetGrid$draw_panels)
# assign custom method
FacetGrid$draw_panels <- draw_panels_new
# happy plotting
ggplot(DF, aes(x, y, color = i)) +
geom_point() +
facet_grid(labely~labelx, scales = 'free_x', space = 'free_x')
I say shortcut because you could of course write your own version of facet_grid_new
in addition, allowing you to pass the values c(1,4)
from above flexibly as extra params
And of course you could make your own ggproto
object inheriting from FacetGrid
Another simple way of making this more flexible would be to add a custom option
, e.g. like:
options(facet_size_manual = list(width = c(1,4), height = NULL))
This could then be used inside the custom draw_panels
method somehow like this:
if (!is.null(facet_width <- getOption("facet_size_manual")$width))
widths <- facet_width
. Also, here is a link to the source code for the function. You might be able to work out what the "scales" argument is doing and then use this knowledge to alter the final ggplot. Sorry I can't be of more help.