I am somewhat new to test driven development and am trying to determine whether I have a problem with my approach to unit testing.
I have several unit tests (let's call them group A) that test whether my method's return is as expected.
I also have a unit test "B" whose passing condition is that an IllegalArgumentException
is thrown when my method is given invalid input.
The unit tests in group A fail when the method is given invalid input since the method needs valid input to return correctly.
If I catch the exception, unit test "B" will fail, but if I don't catch the exception, the tests in group A will fail.
Is it OK to have unit tests fail in this way, or can I modify the code in some way so that all tests always pass?
Am I doing TDD all wrong?
Here's a notion of my code for more clarity:
public class Example{
public static String method(String inputString, int value){
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
//do some things to inputString
return modifiedInputString;
public class ExampleTests{
public void methodReturnsIllegalArgumentExceptionForBadInput(){
assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, ()->{Example.method(badInput,badValue);})
//"Group A" tests only pass with valid input. Bad input causes IllegalArgumentException
public void methodReturnsExpectedType(){
assertTrue(actual == expected);
public void methodReturnsExpectedValue(){
assertTrue(actual == expected);
public void methodReturnsExpectedStringFormat(){
assertTrue(actual == expected);