I am doing collapse on itemId like - {!collapse field=itemId nullPolicy=expand} . Its working as expected . So when it is doing the collpase it is showing me one result for itemID -123 that is fine , but in my dataset I have a field called defaultItemID which can be Y or N , and there will be only one defaultItemID:Y per itemID

Example - if I have a itemID - 123, and there are 20 results for itemID- 123 ,and out of those 20 records there will be only one item whose defaultItemID will be Y)

I want solr to return the the record where defaultItemID is Y , when doing the collapse , Is there anyway I can modify my collapse to do that . I tried sort but it was sorting the resut which were coming on exapanded.

  • Did you use sort as a parameter to the collapse localparam or as a global sort? I didn't think using it as a localparam ({!collapse field=itemId nullPolicy=expand sort=defaultItemID desc} would affect the global order. There is also a separate expand.sort parameter you can use to order the expanded documents if they are affected.
    – MatsLindh
    Mar 14, 2018 at 14:33
  • @MatsLindh no luck . I tried this before also , it is not displaying the item where defaultItemID is Y . I tried asc and desc both Mar 15, 2018 at 9:45


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