lets say I have a function that gives me a UUIDv4.

def get_uuid() do
  # do magic

And I have a nested map that can be n level deep:

map = %{
  name: "Alice",
  friends: [
      uid: "EXISTINGUID",
      name: "Betty"
      name: "Bob",
      job: "Truck driver"

How do I traverse the complete map and on each level make sure that there is a key uid and if not, insert it with the value of a call of get_uuid()?

Expected result:

map = %{
  name: "Alice",
  uid: "NEWUUID",
  friends: [
      uid: "EXISTINGUUID",
      name: "Betty"
      name: "Bob",
      job: "Truck driver"

It would already be very helpful without the condition to look for an existing uid key.

1 Answer 1

defmodule Uuid do
  def generate(), do: :some_uuid

defmodule UuidConsistencyEnforcer do 
  @uuid_key :uid
  def run(some_list) when is_list(some_list), do: Enum.map(some_list, &run/1)

  def run(some_map) when is_map(some_map) do
    |> Map.update(@uuid_key, Uuid.generate(), fn existing_uuid -> existing_uuid end)
    |> Enum.reduce(%{}, fn 
      {key, a_map = %{}}, a -> Map.merge(a, %{key => run(a_map)})
      {key, not_a_map}, a -> Map.merge(a, %{key => run(not_a_map)})

  def run(some_value), do: some_value

To test:

Given a deeply nested map such as:

map = %{
  name: "Alice",
  uid: "NEWUUID",
  friends: [
      uid: "EXISTINGUUID",
      name: "Betty"
      name: "Bob",
      job: "Truck driver"
      n1: %{
        n2: %{
          n3: %{
            n4: %{
              name: "Alice",
              uid: "NEWUUID",
              friends: [
                  uid: "EXISTINGUUID",
                  name: "Betty"
                  name: "Bob",
                  job: "Truck driver"

Running the following:


will render:

  friends: [
    %{name: "Betty", uid: "EXISTINGUUID"},
    %{job: "Truck driver", name: "Bob", uid: :some_uuid},
      n1: %{
        n2: %{
          n3: %{
            n4: %{
              friends: [
                %{name: "Betty", uid: "EXISTINGUUID"},
                %{job: "Truck driver", name: "Bob", uid: :some_uuid}
              name: "Alice",
              uid: "NEWUUID"
            uid: :some_uuid
          uid: :some_uuid
        uid: :some_uuid
      uid: :some_uuid
  name: "Alice",
  uid: "NEWUUID"
  • In order to account for tuples, etc. you will need to add run/1 functions accordingly inside the module UuidConsistencyEnforcer. Mar 14, 2018 at 23:40
  • Perfect. Thanks! Only thing: Using Uuid as module name yields an error from Elixir. Mar 14, 2018 at 23:41
  • It shouldn't give you an error. I am able to copy paste as is inside iex. What is exactly the error that you are seeing, perhaps you already have a library with the name Uuid defined somewhere. Mar 14, 2018 at 23:43
  • [error] Loading of ~/app/_build/dev/lib/uuid/ebin/Elixir.Uuid.beam failed: :badfile [error] beam/beam_load.c(1412): Error loading module 'Elixir.Uuid': module name in object code is Elixir.UUID Mar 14, 2018 at 23:45
  • Can you copy paste the code in here as is inside a new iex(e.g. do not do iex -S mix inside an existing project)? Mar 14, 2018 at 23:50

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