I have the following problem: suppose that I have a directory containing compressed directories .tar which contain multiple file .csv.gz. I want to get all csv.gz files in the parent compressed directorie *.tar. I work with scala 2.11.7 this tree


I want to get from file.tar a list of files : file1.csv.gz , file2.csv.gz file3.csv.gz so after that a can create dataframe from each file csv.gz to do some transformation.

  • Well, what have you tried?
    – airudah
    Mar 27, 2018 at 9:03
  • hello @Robert I tried to read from gz files to a dataframe using this link it works but I want to get a list of name of files because i'll read each file into a specific dataframe.
    – Chaouki
    Mar 27, 2018 at 9:22


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