I have the following table:

create table indices (
id int primary key generated by default as identity

how do I insert a new row?

I have already tried several things I have found, like:

insert into indices values (null);
insert into indices default values;

however that didn't work with derby.

  • First question pops to mind. Why? Feb 10, 2011 at 9:09
  • i have another table that references the id this table. it is a work in progress but i war curious how that works.
    – suicide
    Feb 10, 2011 at 9:17

2 Answers 2


Try "insert into indices values (default)"


You need a column to insert into. You have id which is an identity, which means it will already have a value when a new row is inserted. Add a new column and then fill that column in your insert statement.

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