I am trying to create a simple snake game.
(function() {
var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas'),
ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'),
x = 0,
y = 0,
speed = 2;
x_move = speed,
y_move = 0,
food_position_x = Math.floor(Math.random() * canvas.width / 10) * 10,
food_position_y = Math.floor(Math.random() * canvas.height / 10) * 10,
size_x = 10;
function eat() {
console.log('food_x:' + food_position_x + ' x:' + x + ' / food_y:' + food_position_y + ' y:' + y);
if (Math.floor(y / 10) * 10 == food_position_y && Math.floor(x / 10) *10 == food_position_x) {
size_x += 2;
//throw new Error("MATCH!"); // This is not an error. Just trying to stop the script
// Drawing
function draw() {
requestAnimationFrame(function() {
// Draw the snake
ctx.rect(Math.floor(x/10)*10, Math.floor(y/10)*10, size_x, 10);
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
ctx.fillStyle = '#ffffff';
// Draw the food
ctx.rect(Math.floor(food_position_x/10)*10, Math.floor(food_position_y/10)*10, 10, 10);
ctx.fillStyle = "blue";
// Increase the value of x and y in order to animate
x = x + x_move;
y = y + y_move;
// Key Pressing
document.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) {
switch(event.keyCode) {
case 40: // Moving down
if (x_move != 0 && y_move != -1) {
x_move = 0;
y_move = speed;
case 39: // Moving right
if (x_move != -1 && y_move != 0) {
x_move = speed;
y_move = 0;
case 38: // Moving top
if (x_move != 0 && y_move != 1) {
x_move = 0;
y_move = -speed;
case 37: // Moving left
if (x_move != 1 && y_move != 0) {
x_move = -speed;
y_move = 0;
canvas { background-color: #000022 }
<canvas id="canvas" width="400" height="400"></canvas>
The problem
Every time when I catch the food, the snake becomes longer but when you press the down or up key, it moves horizontally.
Maybe a solution
This is what I believe the solution could be: The snake should be an array! Every time when the key is pressed, define the position of HEAD of snake and move the snake step by step, because it is an array. So the body follows the head. But in this case, I have no idea how to make an array from it.
Maybe there are other solutions. Any helps would be appreciated!