I have a QVector, which should store filepaths, like


QFileInfoList filelistinfo = dir.entryInfoList();
foreach (const QFileInfo &fileinfo, filelistinfo) {
qDebug() << fileinfo.absoluteFilePath();


But instead of storing it in the above order, it's storing like


How can I store the image filepath in numeric sequence?

1 Answer 1


You can sort using std::sort, for that matter I'm assuming that the base name of the file is an integer.

QFileInfoList filelistinfo = dir.entryInfoList();
for(const QFileInfo &fileinfo: filelistinfo) 

std::sort(imagePath.begin(), imagePath.end(),
          [](const QString & a, const QString & b) -> bool
    return QFileInfo(a).baseName().toInt() < QFileInfo(b).baseName().toInt();


Note: using qSort is not recommended currently since it is generally slower than std::sort, for more information read: Performance of qsort vs std::sort?


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