I currently have two modules:

  • Auth which handles login and registration
  • User which handles all user crud operations

Auth requires the User module to register and validate users. So currently, Auth imports the User module:

    imports: [UserModule],
    components: [JwtStrategy, GithubStrategy, TokenService, LoginService],
    controllers: [AuthController],

However, as a result if I ever wanted to re-use these modules, I'd have to include both. Furthermore, if I moved the User module, I'd have to update all the references to it within the Auth module. Is there a better way to organise two dependent modules? Should they be combined?

Is there a better way to do this?

1 Answer 1


If your UserModule will be used everywhere, say in OrdersModules, NotificationsModule..., and you found yourself importing it and reimporting everywhere, then you should take a step to make this Module a GlobalModule, then it will be available everywhere in your project since it imported in RootModule i.e ApplicationModule

Just annotate your Module by @Global


See also: Modules | Nest Documentations

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