Currently, I'm writing a PowerShell module which automatically configures aliases for all git commands, inspired by git-sh.

Then I wrote functions below.
The Enable-GitAliases function is the entry point to configure aliases automatically.
it collects git's subcommands by Get-GitCommands, which parses git --help -a to get all git's subcommands.
Then it defines the wrapper functions for the collected git commands.

My question is: why is git --help -a called so many times (possibly infinitely) when invoking Enable-GitAliases, which causing significant slow down?

After writing the code, I found Enable-GitAliases takes too much time (I've never seen it finishes).
According to the Task Manager, the git --help -a command is launched and exits repeatedly.
I expected the git --help -a command is called only once.
Actually, Get-GitCommands | % { echo $_ } calls git --help -a only once.
What is the difference, and what is best way to fix?

function Get-GitCommands {
  -Split (git --help -a | select-string -pattern '^  [-a-zA-Z0-9.]+\s*')

function Enable-GitAliases($avoidConflicts = $true) {
  Get-GitCommands | % {
    $aliasName = $_
    if (-not ($avoidConflicts -and (Get-Command $aliasName 2> $null) -ne $null)) {
      Enable-GitAliases $aliasName

function Enable-GitAlias($commandName) {
  $wrapper = @'
    function global:{0} {{
      git {0} $args
'@ -f $commandName
  Invoke-Expression $wrapper

1 Answer 1


You call Enable-GitAliases recursively, but is this intended?

Is your intention this?

function Enable-GitAliases($avoidConflicts = $true) {
  Get-GitCommands | % {
    $aliasName = $_
    if (-not ($avoidConflicts -and (Get-Command $aliasName 2> $null) -ne $null)) {
      # Enable-GitAliases -> Enable-GitAlias
      Enable-GitAlias $aliasName

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