Python has an identifier _
that allows for storing the result of the last evaluation which makes it great for speeding up data exploration and introspection.
In [1]: 43 * 2
Out[1]: 86
In [2]: _ + 1
Out[2]: 87
Is there a similar command in R?
Python has an identifier _
that allows for storing the result of the last evaluation which makes it great for speeding up data exploration and introspection.
In [1]: 43 * 2
Out[1]: 86
In [2]: _ + 1
Out[2]: 87
Is there a similar command in R?
Tis a faff to type, but .Last.value:
> sqrt(2)
[1] 1.414214
> .Last.value
[1] 1.414214
.Last() function() (return(.Last.value)); a <- 3
#> .Last() [1] 3