If I have the following type

interface Foo {
    bar: string;
    baz: number;
    qux: string;

can I use typeof to type a parameter such that it only takes keys of Foo that return string ('bar' or 'qux')?

1 Answer 1


Typescript 4.1 and above

With the addition of the as clause in mapped types we can now simplify the original type to:

type KeyOfType<T, V> = keyof {
    [P in keyof T as T[P] extends V? P: never]: any

Playground Link

Original answer

You can use conditional types in Typescript 2.8 :

type KeysOfType<T, TProp> = { [P in keyof T]: T[P] extends TProp? P : never }[keyof T];

let onlyStrings: KeysOfType<Foo, string>;
onlyStrings = 'baz' // error
onlyStrings = 'bar' // ok

let onlyNumbers: KeysOfType<Foo, number>;
onlyNumbers = 'baz' // ok
onlyNumbers = 'bar' // error 

Playground Link

  • 2
    Thanks for this answer. in my using it, I found I needed to extend KeysOfType to include keyof T & { [P .... or else I couldn't use a KeysOfType to then subscript T.
    – Rob Napier
    Commented Mar 5, 2020 at 21:03
  • How to make it to respect nullable column like number | null filtering properties which have number type? Commented May 4, 2022 at 11:44
  • Link to docs of 'as' clause.
    – user764754
    Commented Sep 7, 2022 at 14:06
  • Thank you! This was exactly what I was looking for - now I was able to write: type TypeSafeUnion<T1, T2> = { [P in keyof (T1 | T2) as T1[P] extends T2[P] ? T2[P] extends T1[P] ? P : never : never]: (T1[P] | T2[P]); };
    – AnorZaken
    Commented Oct 25, 2022 at 4:04
  • 1
    @VadimOvchinnikov, I was wondering the same... it seems we can do something like ``` type KeyOfTypeOptionalIncluded<T, Condition> = KeyOfType<T, Condition | undefined>``` for optional keys or even ``` type KeyOfTypeNullIncluded<T, Condition> = KeyOfType<T, Condition | null>``` for the example you mentioned.... or even ``` type KeyOfTypeNullIablencluded<T, Condition> = KeyOfType<T, Condition | null | undefined>``` for optional nullable types
    – awdk
    Commented Nov 1, 2022 at 5:25

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