I read that in order to compute the convolution of two signals x,y (1D for example), the naïve method takes O(NM).

However FFT is used to compute FFT^-1(FFT(x)FFT(y)), which takes O(N log(N)), in the case where N>M.

I wonder why is this complexity considered better than the former one, as M isn't necessarily bigger than log(N). Moreover, M is very often the length of a filter, which doesn't scale with the signal to be filtered, and will actually provide us with a complexity more similar to O(N) than to O(N^2).


1 Answer 1


Fast convolution in the frequency domain is typically more efficient than direct convolution when the size of the filter exceeds a particular threshold. So for relatively small filters direct convolution is more efficient, whereas for longer filters there comes a point at which FFT-based convolution is more efficient. The actual value of m for this "tipping point" depends on a lot of factors, but it's typically somewhere between 10 and 100.

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