I created a List and added three columns to it. When I look at the list in my "List Settings" page, I see the three columns I created and some default ones as well (Title, Created By and Modified By). When I view the Items in the list I just see the columns I created.

My issue is that when I try to get a list of columns for my list from code I get a whole slew of other ones that I don't see anywhere (Version, Attachments, Item Child Count, etc.)

Here is the code I am using to get this list:

        List<string> visFields = new List<string>();
        foreach (SPField field in myList.Fields)
            if (!field.Hidden)

        return visFields;

Is looking at the fields the wrong way to go about this? How can I get the same list of columns that is displayed when you view the items in the list?

1 Answer 1


You want to get the DefaultView for your list (SPList.DefaultView), then inspect the ViewFields element.



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