I have the following:
sets = DataSet.all.group_by{ |data| [data.project_id, "-", data.thread_id].join(" ") }
<% sets.each do |range, datas| %>
<p><%= range %>:</p>
<% datas.each do |data| %>
<p>Last Post<%= data.last.created_at %></p>
<% end %>
<% end %>
Problem is that I need an index. So I updated the above with:
<% sets.each_with_index do |range, datas, i| %>
<p><%= range %>:</p>
<% datas.each do |data| %>
<%= i %>
<p>Last Post<%= data.last.created_at %></p>
<% end %>
<% end %>
That then breaks, with the error: undefined method `last' for 0:Fixnum
How can I fix this?