
I have a server application using Poco C++ library to handle HTTP requests. I cannot really find much documentation or examples on how to return a CSV file from the HTTP server. Has anyone done this?

In essence this is what I have so far, but I do not understand how to return the text as a CSV file.

/// Return a CSV document.
class GetCSVFileHandler: public HTTPRequestHandler

    void handleRequest(HTTPServerRequest& request, HTTPServerResponse& response)
        std::string result = "1,2,3\n a,b,c\n";

        // ??????????????????????????????????????????????????
        // how to return a CSV file here?
        // ??????????????????????????????????????????????????
        std::ostream& ostr = response.send();
        ostr << result;
  • Can you give some details: what is exactly the problem?
    – Patricklaf
    Apr 16, 2018 at 9:56

1 Answer 1


Try this:

// Return a CSV document.
class GetCSVFileHandler: public HTTPRequestHandler

    void handleRequest(HTTPServerRequest& request, HTTPServerResponse& response)


        std::string result = "1,2,3\n a,b,c\n";
        std::ostream& ostr = response.send();
        ostr << result;

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