I've got a problem where my Hyper terminal emulator keeps changing my zsh shell text to blue. This doesn't happen on WSL.



Changing hyper.js 'cyan' to #FFFFFF obviously makes it white but I don't want to fix it that way. For some reason, zsh let's Hyper know that it needs to render cyan/blue.

This happens after I reinstall hyper.js and clear the roaming/local appfolders:


I've been staring at this issue for way too long, tried everything I can and know. I have no idea where to look now, since it doesn't happen in WSL (Bash/Ubuntu for Windows).

Is there any way I can debug zsh or Hyper to tell me why it's turning blue/cyan?


  • Welcome to SO, please insert your source code and don't reference to external images.
    – cSteusloff
    Apr 17, 2018 at 12:26

1 Answer 1


I had the same Issue, you need to reset your CMD colors before using Hyper, check this issue for more information.

Solution: Go to this link download Console_Defaults_win10.reg, execute it and then open Hyper.


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