I have an ngrx store that contains multiple states. I'm trying to construct one object (Rent object) by gathering data from each state: Here is my code:
ngOnInit() {
//Fetch the rent and its properties data
const rentID = +this.route.snapshot.params['id'];
let rentState$ = this.store.select('rentState');
let clientState$ = this.store.select('clientState');
let vehiculeState$ = this.store.select('vehiculesState');
let paymentState$ = of(null);//TODO
let importRent$ = forkJoin([rentState$, vehiculeState$, clientState$, paymentState$])
.pipe(mergeMap(([rentData, vehiculeData, clientData, paymentData]: [any, any, any, any]) => {
let rent = new Rent();
rent = rentData.rentList.filter(rent => rent.id === rentID)[0];
rent.vehicule = vehiculeData.vehicules.filter(vehicule => vehicule.id === this.rent.vehicule.id)[0];
rent.client = clientData.clientList.filter(client => client.id === this.rent.client.id)[0];
rent.companion = clientData.companionList.filter(companion => companion.id === this.rent.companion.id)[0];
//TODO: retrieve payments
return of(rent);
importRent$.subscribe(data => console.log('hello'));
But I don't get any message 'hello' in my console. For some reason the code the subscription does not happen.
I already have these imports in my code:
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import { forkJoin } from 'rxjs/observable/forkJoin';
import { of } from 'rxjs/observable/of';
import { mergeMap } from 'rxjs/operators';
The store already has data in it. Any idea what am I doing wrong?
? And I don't think you need to put theobservables
in an array as a paramter forforkJoin
requires all source Observables to complete. Maybe in your case it would be sufficient to chainthis.store.select('rentState')
and it worked. Why don't you submit it as an answer I mark it as one. Thank you