static bool equalJson(Value &json1, Value &json2, Value &reference, bool a) {
    for (Value::ConstMemberIterator itr = reference.MemberBegin(); itr <= reference.MemberEnd(); itr++) {

        if (itr->value.GetType() == kArrayType) {
            for (auto itr1 = itr->value.Begin(); itr1 != itr->value.End(); itr1++) {
                // cout<<itr->name.GetString()<<endl;//Gets the keys or members that are arrays on the Top Level
                switch (itr1->GetType()) {
                    case kObjectType:

                        for (auto itr = itr1->MemberBegin(); itr != itr1->MemberEnd(); itr++) {
                            // cout<<itr->name.GetString()<<endl;//Elements(keys) of the arrays
                            if (itr->value.GetType() == kArrayType) {
                                //cout<<itr->name.GetString()<<endl;//The keys inside the Top level array that are having sub arrays
                               Document doc;

                                //doc.CopyFrom(itr->name, doc.GetAllocator());
                                doc.CopyFrom(itr->value, doc.GetAllocator());

                                StringBuffer s;
                                Writer<StringBuffer> w(s);
                                cout << s.GetString() << endl;

                                // test::equalJson(json1,json2,doc,a);



I have a format something like this..

 "object_array1": [
 {"key": null },
 {"key": null },
 {"key": null }

What i have in the itr->value is

 {"key": null },
 {"key": null },
 {"key": null }

I would like to have some thing like this.....in the Document doc;

 "object_array1": [
 {"key": null },
 {"key": null },
 {"key": null }


In order to acheive this i did try...

  rapidjson::Value t_object(rapidjson::kObjectType);
  t_object.CopyFrom(itr->value, doc.GetAllocator());
  rapidjson::Value dir_name_key(itr->name.GetString(), 
  doc.AddMember(dir_name_key, t_object, doc.GetAllocator());

but it's still an array

Your help will be highly appreciated. My reference json file:

"array": [
"boolean": null,
"null": null,
"object": {
"a": null,
"c": null,
"e": null
"number": null,

"deep_nested_array": [
    {"object_array1": [
 {"key": null },
 {"key": null },
 {"key": null }
 "object_array": [
 {"key": null },
 {"key": null },
 {"key": null }
 "string": null

Main aim is to use recursion to loop inside n number of nested arrays or objects( as the arrays in the json will be random) to get each key and utilize it. while recursing i need that valid format of data as I showed in the above description to be stored it in doc to pass in the function

 static bool equalJson(Value &json1, Value &json2, Value &reference, bool a) {

  while recursion:

If you have better suggestion than this it will be a great help.Thank you

  • 1
    Giving part of the code you have would help others to answer your question
    – KSTN
    Apr 21, 2018 at 6:27
  • Boost Property Tree is not a JSON library. So it's likely not what you want anyways. In particular it has problems representing JSON arrays. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Regardless of that, see [some of my answers]() for ways to recursively query/enumerate property trees
    – sehe
    Apr 21, 2018 at 12:48
  • Actually, this is about as duplicate as it gets stackoverflow.com/questions/30105711/…
    – sehe
    Apr 21, 2018 at 12:48
  • Yes property tree is just an alternative but I am looking solution in rapidjson . As said I will be clarifying the question
    – Pheonix
    Apr 21, 2018 at 14:27
  • What is it that the equalJson function will do? Exactly. The name implies that it'll be pretty straightforward. By the way your question has all the hallmarks of very bad questions. (Very bad. Being unclear about the intent, a formatting disaster, code in screenshots (!) screenshots off-site...)
    – sehe
    Apr 22, 2018 at 20:08


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