I have templated class vector<typename T,size S> (I have to use this instead of std::vector). I would like to specify an alias which is in type ofvector<double,2> , but I also need to count the amount of all created and all currently live objects of this. Here's fragment of my templated class:

template<typename T, size S>
class vector{
    T *_values;
      _values(new T[S]){
        for(int i =0; i < S; i++)
          _values[i] = T();
      delete[] _values;

So I thought about creating class named vector2D which inherits vector<double,2> and with two additional static variables to count its amounts. But how to do that? How to invoke superclass constructor and destructor so that it only contains incrementation/decrementation of these two static variables? vector2D is going to be used often in project I have to do. Maybe there is better solution?

P.S How to pretty initialize *_values? I tried *_values = { 0 } but it didn't work (of course assuming this is going to be a table of primitive types).

  • 1
    Is your question really just "how to invoke the parent's class constructor in the child class"? It's a little hard to reconciliate the need for re-inventing basic libraries with not being familiar with something this basic, so I suspect I'm missing something here.
    – user4442671
    Commented Apr 22, 2018 at 21:29
  • "but I also need to count the amount of all created and all currently live objects of this." Why? Commented Apr 22, 2018 at 23:20
  • These are my homework for programming course, so we invent wheel again just to see how does it works. Later we'll just use already invented solutions.
    – pjoter
    Commented Apr 23, 2018 at 10:50

1 Answer 1


I would like to specify an alias which is in type of vector<double, 2>

Well that's simple:

typedef vector<double, 2> vector2D

but I also need to count the amount of all created and all currently live objects of this.

That's simple as well. Here's a small example:

#include <iostream>

template <typename T, int S>
class vec {


    vec() {

    static int obj_counter;


template <typename T, int S>
int vec<T, S>::obj_counter = 0;

typedef vec<double, 2> vec2d;

int main() {

    vec<int, 1> intvec1;
    vec<int, 1> intvec12;
    vec2d doublevec2;

    std::cout << vec2d::obj_counter << std::endl;

    return 0;

The advantage of this is the fact that obj_counter works for every type. In the above example if you type:

std::cout << vec<int, 1>::obj_counter << std::endl;

It will print 2.

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