I have a Mail model with the following schema:

t.string   "mail"
t.integer  "country"
t.boolean  "validated"
t.datetime "created_at"
t.datetime "updated_at"

And I want to find the top 5 countries in the database, so i go ahead and type

@top5 = Mail.find(:all,:group =>  'country',:conditions => [ "validated = ?" , "t" ], :limit => 5 )

This will tell me the groups(i need an order by i dont know how to write)

@top5 = Mail.count(:all,:group =>  'country',:conditions => [ "validated = ?" , "t" ], :limit => 5 )

This will tell me how many mails are in each group

Im wondering if i can group and count in just one go

4 Answers 4



Mail.count(:group => 'country', :conditions => ['validated = ?', 't'])

I'm not sure count accepts :limit though.


I think this is more readable:

Mail.count(:group => :country, :conditions => {:validated => true})

  • In order to use the limit option you have to do: Mail.limit(10).order("count_all desc").count(group: :country). Similar to what tee suggests. For specifying conditions I suggest using a scope on the model, or the where option.
    – Hendrik
    Commented Dec 23, 2012 at 17:59

With Rails 3 you can simplify it further:

Mail.where(validated: true).count(group: :country)

You can order by fields in the group - in this case only :country would be valid:

Mail.where(validated: true)
    .count(group: :country)

You can also order by the count, using "count_all":

Mail.where(validated: true)
    .order("count_all desc")
    .count(group: :country)

You can also limit the number of groups returned. To do this you must call limit before calling count (because #count returns ActiveSupport::OrderedHash):

Mail.where(validated: true)
    .order("count_all desc")
    .count(group: :country)

Updated syntax for Rails 4:

Mail.where(validated: true)
    :select => 'count(*) count, country', 
    :group => 'country', 
    :conditions => ['validated = ?', 't' ], 
    :order => 'count DESC',
    :limit => 5)

This should give you records that have a country attribute and a count attribute.

  • true should be used instead of 't' Commented Dec 20, 2010 at 19:04
  • 1
    @airportyh Rails API says that ActiveRecord.find is deprecated (apidock.com/rails/ActiveRecord/Base/find/class). Do you know the best way to do this on Rails 3?
    – dcarneiro
    Commented Jan 30, 2012 at 18:06
  • 1
    @Daniel: I've thought that before but look closely: it says "moved or deprecated" and actually it has been moved to ActiveRecord::FinderMethods#find. (I believe you are still supposed to call Mail.find to access this method in its new location.)
    – antinome
    Commented Aug 22, 2012 at 16:18

I too had to group data with city name and showing count of how many rows are there for each city with specific condition. So this is how I did:

CityData.where(:status => 1).group(:city_name).count

Output of this was:

{:Mumbai => 10, :Dublin => 7, :SF => 9}

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