I have large Android ViewModel classes that tend to have a lot of dependencies (most of them are DAOs from Room, one per SQLite table). Some have more than 10 dependencies.

This is fine but the @Inject constructor is bloated with arguments, and contains only boilerplate code to set the injected members from the constructor arguments.

I wanted to switch to "regular" injected members, identified individually with an @Inject annotation, like other (dumb) classes.

This fails for Android related classes (although ViewModels are advertised as non-Android dependent, e.g. they don't use the Android framework) such as activities and fragments.

The workaround for that is to use a factory, which is injected from the Application class using the nice HasActivityInjector, HasServiceInjector, etc. interfaces.

Dagger doesn't provide any HasViewModelInjector, so if I persist in injecting members individually instead of injecting the constructor, here's what I'm given:

error: [dagger.android.AndroidInjector.inject(T)] XXXViewModel cannot be provided without an @Inject constructor or from an @Provides-annotated method. This type supports members injection but cannot be implicitly provided.

If I create a module that has a @Provides annotation to create the ViewModel, this doesn't inject individual members.

Did I miss something (my last sentence is what's most important in my question) or is it simply not possible to inject members, and I have to inject the constructor?

A bit of code.

What I want:

class MyViewModel extends ViewModel {
    MyDao myDao;

versus what I need to do:

class MyViewModel extends ViewModel {
    private final MyDao myDao;

    MyViewModel(MyDao myDao) {
        this.myDao = myDao;

First block of code (what I want) requires this method in a module:

MyViewModel provideMyViewModel() {
    return new MyViewModel();

but in this case the myDao field is null. How to inject the @Inject-annotated members?

I want to avoid the use of the 2nd block of code, which tends to create a huge constructor bloated with many arguments, should I need to inject a lot of members.

  • I have read this nice answer that explains that we should Always prefer constructor injection or provide it from a module where you can do additional setup steps; however this doesn't cover the member injection. Apr 23, 2018 at 23:45
  • You can use my method, stackoverflow.com/a/53956997/7558125 Dec 28, 2018 at 10:36
  • @PratikMhatre: thanks, but I switched to Koin, which has a much simpler API. Dec 28, 2018 at 13:35

1 Answer 1


There are multiple ways of injection and I think you are referring to field injection. Field injection, unlike constructor injection, must be triggered manually. To do that, define a method in your component with the view model as parameter.

void inject(ViewModel viewModel)

And then call this method from your view model constructor perhaps.

class MyViewModel extends ViewModel {
    private final MyDao myDao;

    MyDao myDao;

    public MyViewModel() {
        MyComponent mycomponent = DaggerMyComponent.....
  • Nice, I knew that I needed to inject manually, I just couldn't figure it out. Apr 24, 2018 at 6:09
  • What I actually did is that I edited the InjectableViewModelFactory (that is found everywhere online) to be injected with the application instance (so that I can access the application component), and then call application.getComponent().inject((MyViewModel) creator.get()). Your answer greatly helped me, thanks! Apr 24, 2018 at 20:16

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