Consider the following example.

class Parent
    Child createChild();

// some member data and functions can go here.

class Child: public Parent
// some member data and functions can go here.

I would like to allow creation of "Child" class only through the method provided in the Parent class. That is I would like to deny the options to the user to instantiate an object of the Child class. I would also like avoid all the other default constructions of the Child class. How is it possible?

Parent p;
Child c = p.createChild(); // should be possible
Child d; //should not be allowed
Child e = c; // may  be allowed
  • 2
    Impossible. There's no way Child c = p.createChild(); can be allowed to work while Child e = c; may not. Your demands don't make much sense to me. (Unless you intend to make your classes move-only, and Child e = std::move(c); may work, is that the case?) Commented Apr 25, 2018 at 11:38
  • @StoryTeller wouldn't c++17 guaranteed copy elision remove the need for the copy/move constructors?
    – Mgetz
    Commented Apr 25, 2018 at 11:45
  • @Mgetz - Indeed. But this was tagged c++11. If it's a mistagging my comment is irrelevant. Commented Apr 25, 2018 at 11:51
  • @StoryTeller: You are right, it may be impossible if we don't allow Child e=c. So editing my question.
    – Sooraj
    Commented Apr 25, 2018 at 11:56
  • @StoryTeller actually I think it's incredibly relevant as that's a major change in behavior as far as the answer is concerned. Since this is possible in c++17 without quirks and impossible in C++11 without making the object movable or copyable.
    – Mgetz
    Commented Apr 25, 2018 at 12:44

3 Answers 3


You can make the Child constructor private, and have Parent::createChild be a friend of Child.

Do note the comment by StoryTeller, in that your copy-constructor still needs to be public.


You can do something like this.

class Parent
      static Parent* InstantiateParent(); // for completeness' sake
      static Child* InstantiateChild();

class Child : public Parent
    Child(Child& other):
    Child& operator = (Child& other);

    friend class Parent;

/* impl.cpp */

#include "header.hpp";

Child* Parent::InstantiateChild()
    return new Child;

Parent* Parent::InstantiateParent()
    return new Parent;

Although, separating creation from the target class through some variation of factory pattern has its own advantages.


You could have CreateChild() return something other than a Child, which is publicly move-constructable to a Child. You pay for the move, because it isn't copy elided, and the code is redundant come c++17.

Could you live with taking a const or right reference to the temporary, which will extend its lifetime? I don't think there are any cases where it wouldn't have the same lifetime as the uncopyable object created directly.

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