In the PyCharm, the auto-completion there are f and m.

What's the meaning of f and m?

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Does the f means function?


3 Answers 3


If f is in yellow and in small letters, it's field. In pink and in capital letters it's function.

m is method

To know more take a look here: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/pycharm/symbols.html

  • This is a bit annoying IMO because "field" is Java terminology, not Python terminology. Python objects have attributes. Commented Jul 30 at 21:48

This is the symbol for the type. A complete list may be found in PyCharm's docs:

c: class
f: field
F: function
m: method
p: parameter
P: property
v: variable

f as function you create i.e local
m as method
v as variable
p as Python function that required parameters
c as class

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