I would like to create a "timeID" column based on the another ID and the timestamp... I'm using data.table::setorder() and I'm most of the way there but timeID column is just populating with the timestamp value rather than a time ID (1,2,3,...n). Image is my current output...

enter image description here

What am I missing here?

# Parse timestamp
df1[, Month := str_sub(df1$BaseTimeStamp, 4,6)]
df1[, Year := str_sub(df1$BaseTimeStamp, 8,11)]
df1[, Day := str_sub(df1$BaseTimeStamp, 1,2)]
df1[, Hour := str_sub(df1$BaseTimeStamp, 13,14)]
df1[, Min := str_sub(df1$BaseTimeStamp, 16,17)]
df1[, Sec := str_sub(df1$BaseTimeStamp, 19,20)]
df1[, timeParse := ymd_hms(paste(df1$Year,
# Create timeStamp ID
df1[, timeID := setorder(df1, myID, timeParse), by = myID]

Desired outcome would be... enter image description here

  • 2
    Not clear what values you're expecting here... df1[order(timeParse), v := 1:.N, by=myID]? Btw, str_sub is not the "right" way to extract those things. If you look at lubridate or data.table, there are functions like ?hour, ?month, etc
    – Frank
    Apr 26, 2018 at 17:15
  • I edited to add a bare-bones example of my desired outcome.
    – mikeLdub
    Apr 26, 2018 at 18:22
  • 1
    Ok. If your data is sorted by timeParse, then DT[, v := rowid(myID)] should work.
    – Frank
    Apr 26, 2018 at 18:24


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