I have an issue using naudio for a project of mine - most likely I just overlooked a tiny error, but I don't catch it, so may I kindly ask for some help.
I am working on a project to receive (and further work with) an audio stream I receive over a network. The stream is encoded with G.711 a-law using 8kHz and 8bit and sent in tiny pieces of 20ms (or 50 packets per second).
The following code receives the stream via UDP (basically whenever a UDP packet is received, it is read from the socket and added to the naudio BufferedWaveProvider:
Private Provider As New NAudio.Wave.BufferedWaveProvider(NAudio.Wave.WaveFormat.CreateALawFormat(8000, 1))
Private Sub FT636VOIP_U_Auslesen(ByVal ar As IAsyncResult)
sample = FT636VOIPUSocket.EndReceive(ar, New Net.IPEndPoint("", 60001))
Provider.AddSamples(sample, 0, sample.Count)
FT636VOIPUSocket.BeginReceive(New AsyncCallback(AddressOf FT636VOIP_U_Auslesen), FT636VOIPUSocket)
End Sub
Being started in another thread (to avoid blocking the main application), a WaveOutEvent is linked with the BufferedWaveProvider for playback.
Private Sub Audio()
Dim wo As New NAudio.Wave.WaveOutEvent
wo.DesiredLatency = 1000
Do While wo.PlaybackState = NAudio.Wave.PlaybackState.Playing
End Sub
Well, the network connection is up and quickly filling the Buffer and the playback starts after the desired latency but only creates a 'choppy sound', though essentially there should only be silence...
Do I have to decode the stream at some stage (though the BufferedWaveProvider is initialized with the correct coded? Or do I miss something else...