I want to create a PHP recursive program using a Binary Tree and Recursion.

I want to print the binary tree level by level using recursion. I want to recurse through the tree, push the node into a hashmap that has the level as the reference point.

Here's what I have so far:

$binary_tree = array(array(1 => array(2 => array(4,5),4=>array(5,6))));

    |                |
    2                4
    |                |
----------        ----------
|        |        |        |
4        5        5        6

And the end result should look like this:

$data[0] = array(1);  
$data[1] = array(2,4);  
$data[2] = array(4,5,5,6);  

I can easily loop through the array and print out the numbers, which are corresponding to the level(the array index).

Here's the function, which is wrong, but my first shot:

function recurse_tree($data,$level=0){
    $final = array();
    $tmp = array()
    // first check if data is array
        // loop through data 
        foreach($data as $elm){
            // push data to the tmp array
            $tmp[] = recurse_tree($elm,$level+1);
        // not an array
    } else {
            // push data to the final array. can we push to the tmp array.
    // merge final and tmp array and return
    return ($final + $tmp);

I am not too experienced with recursion nor problem solving, so I wrote out the steps below which are occurring. The problem I have here now is that on step 9 I an unsure how to handle the keys 2 and 4, and then finally to handle the root node, key 1. Also, when I get to steps 5-8, im at level 4, which is correct, however according to the tree, its level 2.

$flattened_tree = recurse_tree($data);

// STEPS:  
1./ called recurse_tree  
    data: array(array(1 => array(2 => array(4,5),4=>array(5,6))));  
    level: 0  
    final:  array();  
    tmp:  array();  
2./ called recurse_tree:  
    data: array(1 => array(2 => array(4,5),4=>array(5,6)));  
    level: 1  
    final: array();  
    tmp: array();  
3./ called recurse_tree:  
    data: array(2 => array(4,5),4=>array(5,6));  
    level: 2
    final: array();  
    tmp: array();
4./ called recurse_tree:
    data: array(4,5)
    level: 3
    final: array();  
    tmp: array();
5./ called recurse_tree:
    data: 4
    level: 4
    final: array(4 => 4)
    tmp: array()
6./ called recurse_tree:
    data: 5
    level: 4
    final: array(4 => 5)
    tmp: array(4 => 4)
7./ called recurse_tree:
    data: 5
    level: 4
    final: array(4=> 5)
    tmp: array(4 => array(4,5))
8./ called recurse_tree:
    data: 6
    level: 4
    final: array(4 => 6)
    tmp: array(4 => array(4,5,5))         

What is the best way to implement a Binary Tree recursion algorithm?

2 Answers 2


If I understand correctly, this is what you want:

function tree(array $data, &$tree = array(), $level = 0) {
    // init
    if (!isset($tree[$level])) $tree[$level] = array();

    foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
        // if value is an array, push the key and recurse through the array
        if (is_array($value)) {
            $tree[$level][] = $key;
            tree($value, $tree, $level+1);

        // otherwise, push the value
        else {
            $tree[$level][] = $value;

Use it like this:

$binary_tree = array(1 => array(2 => array(4,5),4=>array(5,6)));
tree($binary_tree, $output);

This gives you:

array(3) {
  array(1) {
  array(2) {
  array(4) {
  • 1
    By the way, what would be the time complexity of this solution. Just curious! Commented Jul 21, 2016 at 19:51

This function in class Tree view

you have got a return of array which has all node value then you can arrange on below tree view .

function getTreeDataFromReg($setid)
        for($in=0 ;$in<7;$in++ )
                    "tbl_registration"," * "," fl_reg_id ='".$setid[$in]."'",
                    " fl_placment_side ASC ");
                case 0: $setid[1]=$leftid;
                case 1: $setid[3]=$leftid;
                case 2: $setid[5]=$leftid;
                case 3: $setid[7]=$leftid;
                case 4: $setid[9]=$leftid;
                case 5: $setid[11]=$leftid;
                case 6: $setid[13]=$leftid;
    return $setid;
function printTreeView($parentid)
    return $setarra;

Which creates a binary tree:

         /     \
        1        2
       / \      / \
      3   4    5   6
     /\  / \  /\   /\

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