I'm having a hard figuring out what to do with this code, that does not compile correctly. I'm trying to write a DP version for the knapsack problem. I want to keep track of previous solution for the sub-problems, by keeping them in memory, using a matrix called mem. I want to initialize all values to be -1 (i.e. not computed yet), except for the edge conditions, i.e for backpack weight of 0 or 0 items. Therefore, I initialize the matrix at -1 and change its values at edge conditions. But I don't know how to pass the mem array after that to the next part of the code. I tried using in or and but it doesn't work.

Help greatly appreciated!

let knapsack_mem = fun (vps : (int * int) array) (c : int) -> 
let mem = Array.make_matrix (c + 1) ((Array.length vps) + 1) (-1) in
mem.(0) <- Array.make (n + 1) 0; for i = 1 to c do mem.(i).(0) <- 0;

(* HERE : in ? and ? *)

let rec aux vps (i,j) = 
    if mem.(i).(j) >= 0 then mem.(i).(j)
        if lst vps.(i) <= i then max ((aux vps (i - lst vps.(i), j - 1)) + fst vps.(i)) (aux vps (i, j - 1)) 
        else aux vps (i,j - 1)
in aux vps (c, (Array.length vps) + 1) ;;

1 Answer 1


The syntax error you are getting is due to the use of the for loop. The syntax is the following:

for i = 1 to n_jobs () do
    do_next_job ()

Since this is a side effect operation don't forget to use a ; after the "done" to continue the body of the function. There are other problems with your code but this should fix the syntax error.

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