I need to sort an array of objects by the two fields. I need it to be as least computationally heavy as possible.

This is how the array of objects looks

let arr = [
        name: 'Liate',
        surname: 'Tsek'

This is how I am doing it

let unique = [...new Set(arr.map(item => item.name))]

This only works for the 1st field, how can I get it to work with both?

1 Answer 1

let seen = new Set()
let uniArr = arr.filter(entry => {
    ** Create unique key of code and segment
    const key = entry.name+ "-" + entry.surname
    **  Check if the key does not exist in the SET
    const keep = !seen.has(key)
    ** If keep doesn't exist, add it to the set
    if (keep)
    ** Return
    return keep

This works given that the delimiter you use to join the fields will never appear in either fields. Hope it helps

  • Hi Thank you, this worked for me. I am keen to know what the Set is? I am new to NodeJS apologies.
    – Tsek-Coder
    Commented May 10, 2018 at 8:54
  • I filter with ES6 Set, I recommend learning more about it before continuing
    – adot
    Commented May 10, 2018 at 8:56

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