I would like to use kubectl to print out all key-value pairs in my Secrets. I cannot figure out how to do this in one line with the -o --jsonpath flag or by piping into jq. I could certainly make a script to do this but I feel there must be a better way, given that the kubernetes GUI is pretty straightforward and liberal when it comes to letting you view Secrets.

Say I create secret like so:

kubectl create secret generic testsecret --from-literal=key1=val1 --from-literal=key2=val2

Now I can run kubectl get secret testsecret -o json to get something like:

    "apiVersion": "v1",
    "data": {
        "key1": "dmFsMQ==",
        "key2": "dmFsMg=="

I can do something like

kubectl get secret testsecret -o jsonpath='{.data}'


kubectl get secret testsecret -o json | jq '.data'

to get my key-value pairs in non-list format then I'd have to base64 --decode the values.

What is the easiest way to get a clean list of all my key-value pairs? Bonus points for doing this across all Secrets (as opposed to just one specific one, as I did here).

6 Answers 6


I read this question as asking for how to decode all secrets in one go. I built on the accepted answer to produce a one-liner to do this:

kubectl get secrets -o json | jq '.items[] | {name: .metadata.name,data: .data|map_values(@base64d)}'

This has the added benefit of listing the name of the secret along with the decoded values for readability.

  • 3
    Modified for just one secret: kubectl get secret [SECRET NAME] --namespace [NAMESPACE] -o json | jq '{name: .metadata.name,data: .data|map_values(@base64d)}' Commented May 18, 2022 at 17:31

Sufficiently recent versions of jq have a filter for decoding base64 but it can only be used if the value that was encoded is a valid JSON string.

Anyway, you could start by trying:

.data | map_values(@base64d)
  • 1
    Nice tip regarding @base64d
    – s g
    Commented May 15, 2018 at 20:21
  • 2
    On Mac OS, @base64d currently requires brew install --HEAD jq
    – DomQ
    Commented Jul 24, 2018 at 9:23
  • 9
    thanks @peak and @DomQ for anyone not familiar with jq, a complete example that worked for me: kubectl get secret testsecret -o json | jq '.data' | jq 'map_values(@base64d)'
    – gonga
    Commented Sep 21, 2018 at 23:24
  • 3
    @peak: I think @gongo's point was people not familiar with jq might have trouble invoking this without the complete command. To avoid invoking jq twice you could do kubectl get secret testsecret -o json | jq -r '.data | map_values(@base64d)'
    – csjacobs24
    Commented Mar 11, 2021 at 19:43

When using the accepted answer you may come across exception

jq: error (at <stdin>:96): Cannot iterate over null (null)

This might be because some json might not be fully formed, use an additional filter

kubectl get secrets -o json | jq '.items[] |  select(null != .data) | {name: .metadata.name,data: .data|map_values(@base64d)}'

The above will ensure to produce expected results


If you need to extract tls certificates and/or keys from a kubernetes secret and you have an older jq version not supporting map_values(@base64d):

kubectl get secrets tls-cert -o json | jq '.data' | cut -d '"' -f 4 | tr -d '{}' | base64 --decode

Kubernetes get all secretes base64 decode them, and ignore null values.

# kubectl get secrets -A -o json | jq '.items[] |  \
select(null != .data) | {name: .metadata.name,data: .data|map_values(@base64d)}' \
> all_secrets_decoded.json

For my needs I wrote a shell function, a wrapper around jq, that allows me to filter by names and decode secrets. It doesn't depend on a kubectl version but requires jq in $PATH. It's quite simple in use:

divulge() {
    [ -t 0 ] && [ $# -eq 0 ] && {
        echo "\
Discover kubernetes secrets

    kubectl get secrets [NAME] -o json | divulge [OPTIONS] [REGEXP]

  -g  Global search (find all matches, not just the first)
  -i  Case insensitive search
  -m  Multi line mode (. will match newlines)
  -n  Ignore empty matches
  -p  Both s and m modes are enabled
  -s  Single line mode (^ -> \A, $ -> \Z)
  -l  Find longest possible matches
  -x  Extended regex format (ignore whitespace and comments)

  -r  Output raw strings, not JSON texts; values are placed between [ and ]
      and marked with the prefix unsafe, if contain at least a whitespace
  -C  Colorize JSON
  -M  Monochrome JSON

Follow the below link to learn more about REGEXP:


    while getopts ':gimnpslxrCM' arg
        case "$arg" in
        g | i | m | n | p | s | l | x )
            DIVULGE_FLAGS="$DIVULGE_FLAGS$arg" ;;
        r ) DIVULGE_RAW=1 ;;
        C | M ) DIVULGE_OPTS="$DIVULGE_OPTS -$arg" ;;
        * ) echo "Illegal option: -$OPTARG">&2 ; return 1 ;;

    shift $(( OPTIND-1 ))

    # shellcheck disable=SC2086
    jq $DIVULGE_OPTS \
    --arg regex "$1" \
    --arg flags "$DIVULGE_FLAGS" \
    --arg raw "$DIVULGE_RAW" \
    -r '(.items?[]? // .)
| .data
| select(.)
| with_entries(
        | test($regex; $flags)
    | .value |= @base64d
| (
    if $raw == ""
        select(. != {})
        | map(
                if .value | test("\\s")
                    "unsafe "
                    "safe   "
            ) + .key + " [" + .value + "]"
        | .[]

A standalone version can be found by this link.

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