I have a Spark Structured Streaming job which is configured to read data from Kafka. Please go through the code to check the readStream()
with parameters to read the latest data from Kafka.
I understand that readStream()
reads from the first offset when a new query is started and not on resume.
But I don't know how to start a new query every time I restart my job in IntelliJ.
val kafkaStreamingDF = spark
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", AppProperties.getProp(AppConstants.PROPS_SERVICES_KAFKA_SERVERS))
.option("subscribe", AppProperties.getProp(AppConstants.PROPS_SDV_KAFKA_TOPICS))
.option("failOnDataLoss", "false")
.selectExpr("CAST(value as STRING)", "CAST(topic as STRING)")
I have also tried setting the offsets by """{"topicA":{"0":0,"1":0}}"""
Following is my writestream
val query = kafkaStreamingDF
Every time I restart my job in IntelliJ IDE, logs show that the offset has been set to latest instead of 0 or earliest.
Is there way I can clean my checkpoint, in that case I don't know where the checkpoint directory is because in the above case I don't specify any checkpointing.