In Tensorflow, I'm trying to create the following matrix:

A = [[a, 0], [0,b]]

Where a and b are the parameters I'm trying to solve for.

Here's what I have so far:

a =  tf.Variable((1,), name="a", dtype = tf.float64)
b = tf.Variable((1,), name="b", dtype = tf.float64)
const = tf.constant(0,dtype = tf.float64, shape = (1,))
A0 = tf.transpose(tf.stack([a,const]))
A1 = tf.transpose(tf.stack([const,b]))
A = tf.stack([A0,A1])

However the shape of A ends up being (2,1,2) which is wrong (since A0 and B0 both have shapes (1,2))

Is there an easier way to create the matrix object A in Tensorflow, or does anyone know why the shape is getting messed up with what I'm doing?

  • Would it be easier to make A a variable and solve for a[0,0] and A[1,1] instead?
    – c2huc2hu
    Commented May 16, 2018 at 20:55
  • Thought about that, but what I wrote is actually the simplified version where a actually = (1-delta)/alpha and b = delta (e.g. delta and alpha are what I'm actually solving for.) Commented May 16, 2018 at 20:57

2 Answers 2


Well you can create a single variable vector params = tf.Variable((2,), name="ab") and then multiply with the identity matrix tf.eye(2):

A = tf.matmul(tf.expand_dims(params,0), tf.eye(2))

tf.stack increases the rank of the tensor (creating a new axis) and combines them in the new axis. If you want to combine tensors along an existing axis, you should use tf.concat.

a = tf.Variable((1,), name="a", dtype = tf.float64)
b = tf.Variable((1,), name="b", dtype = tf.float64)
const = tf.constant(0,dtype = tf.float64, shape = (1,))
A0 = tf.stack([a, const], axis=1)
A1 = tf.stack([const, b], axis=1)  # more clear than tf.transpose

A = tf.concat((A0, A1), axis=0)

A is now shape (2, 2).

To explain, each object is a rank-1 tensor with one element:

A = [1]
const = [0]

stacking gives:

tf.stack((A, const), axis=0) = [[1], [0]]  # 2x1 matrix

concatenating gives:

tf.concat((A, const), axis=0) = [1, 0]  # 2 vector

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