As I have seen, there is no native nameof-keyword like C# has built into TypeScript . However, for the same reasons this exists in C#, I want to be able to refer to property names in a type safe manner.

This is especially useful in TypeScript when using jQuery plugins (Bootstrap-Tagsinput) or other libraries where the name of a property needs to be configured.

It could look like:

const name: string = nameof(Console.log);
// 'name' is now equal to "log"

The assignment of name should change too when Console.log got refactored and renamed.

What is the closest possible way of using such a feature in TypeScript as of now?


6 Answers 6


As you have already said, there is no built in functionality on TypeScript as of version 2.8. However, there are ways to get the same result:

Option 1: Using a library

ts-nameof is a library that provides the exact functionality as C# does (no longer recommended). With this you can do:

nameof(console); // => "console"
nameof(console.log); // => "log"
nameof<MyInterface>(); // => "MyInterface"
nameof<MyNamespace.MyInnerInterface>(); // => "MyInnerInterface"

ts-simple-nameof offers an alternative. It basically parses a stringified lambda to figure out the property name:

nameof<Comment>(c => c.user); // => "user"
nameof<Comment>(c => c.user.posts); // => "user.posts"

Option 2: Define a helper function

You can easily define your own nameof that adds the type checking, however it will not refactor automatically as you'll still need to type a string literal:

const nameof = <T>(name: keyof T) => name;

It will return the passed property name but will generate a compile time error when the property name does not exist on type T. Use it like so:

interface Person {
    firstName: string;
    lastName: string;

const personName1 = nameof<Person>("firstName"); // => "firstName"
const personName2 = nameof<Person>("noName");    // => compile time error

Credits and more information about this

Update on helper function with TypeScript 2.9+

The type keyof T now not only resolves to a string, but to string | number | symbol (ref). If you still want to resolve strings only, use this implementation instead:

const nameof = <T>(name: Extract<keyof T, string>): string => name;
  • 2
    Here's another effort to add to the list - github.com/IRCraziestTaxi/ts-simple-nameof
    – chrismarx
    Commented Oct 10, 2019 at 15:38
  • I really like that ts-nameof transforms at compile time. Saves the possible overhead of parsing expressions, etc. that the other solutions offer. Commented Apr 7, 2021 at 20:37
  • 2
    Note that this does not work if your object also is defined to have an index signature as that makes the compiler accept any key.
    – Alex
    Commented Aug 13, 2021 at 6:45
  • 2
    The first suggested package doesn't recommend it's use anymore.
    – Shawn
    Commented Dec 30, 2021 at 18:51
  • For a normal type, keyof T still returns a string. For index types, it returns string | number, while for any it returns string | number | symbol. While it is possible to update the helper function, as described in the update, there will be no check done by the compiler, since any string is legal. Commented Dec 1, 2023 at 15:40

I think we often need more: to get class property names at runtime with compile-time validation. Renaming property will change nameOf expression. This is a really useful feature:

export type valueOf<T> = T[keyof T];
export function nameOf<T, V extends T[keyof T]>(f: (x: T) => V): valueOf<{ [K in keyof T]: T[K] extends V ? K : never }>;
export function nameOf(f: (x: any) => any): keyof any {
    var p = new Proxy({}, {
        get: (target, key) => key
    return f(p);

Usage example (no strings!):

if (update.key !== nameOf((_: SomeClass) => _.someProperty)) {
   // ...                               

Example with existing instance:

export interface I_$<T> {
    nameOf<V extends T[keyof T]>(f: (x: T) => V): valueOf<{ [K in keyof T]: T[K] extends V ? K : never }>;

export function _$<T>(obj: T) {
    return {
        nameOf: (f: (x: any) => any) => {
            return nameOf(f);
    } as I_$<T>;


let obj: SomeClass = ...;
_$(obj).nameOf(x => x.someProperty);
or _$<SomeClass>().nameOf(x => x.someProperty);

resolved to 'someProperty'.

  • 1
    What's going on here: export function nameOf<T, V extends T[keyof T]>(f: (x: T) => V): valueOf<{ [K in keyof T]: T[K] extends V ? K : never }> Commented Jan 29, 2021 at 9:02
  • This is just a trick to support correct name extraction in compile time (at runtime proxy is used) Commented Sep 20, 2021 at 13:29
  • Using nameof(f: ... with a number property doesn't work, but changing to it nameOf(f: (x: any) => any): Extract<keyof any, string> does. Commented Mar 12 at 19:56

If you only need to access properties as strings, you can use Proxy safely like this:

function fields<T>() {
    return new Proxy(
            get: function (_target, prop, _receiver) {
                return prop;
    ) as {
        [P in keyof T]: P;

interface ResourceRow {
    id: number;
    modified_on_disk: Date;
    local_path: string;
    server_path: string;

const f = fields<ResourceRow>();

// In this example I show how to embed field names type-safely to a SQL string:
const sql = `
    ${f.modified_on_disk} DATETIME       NOT NULL,
    ${f.local_path}       VARCHAR (2048) NOT NULL UNIQUE,
    ${f.server_path}      VARCHAR (2048) NOT NULL UNIQUE
  • 1
    This is my favorite solution because it survives refactors by IDEs on the renaming of the property (i.e. when you rename a property that was referenced this way, this usage will be renamed as well). Also there is a slightly better implementation that doesn't create an object with each use. Since the proxy is the same proxy no matter what, just store this in a const at the file level then in the fields() function, just return the local cost cast appropriately.
    – Yinzara
    Commented Jun 29, 2022 at 21:50

Recommend: Don't use "ts-nameof" package

I now recommend not using this package or any other compiler transforms. It's neat, but it creates code that is not portable and makes it hard to switch to new build systems. The current solutions for injecting compiler transforms are hacky and I can't imagine the TS compiler ever supporting this out of the box.

/* eslint-disable no-redeclare, @typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types, @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
export function nameof<TObject>(obj: TObject, key: keyof TObject): string;
export function nameof<TObject>(key: keyof TObject): string;
export function nameof(key1: any, key2?: any): any {
  return key2 ?? key1;
/* eslint-enable */

nameof for properties

I'm surprised to see three different Proxy-based answers that all allocate multiple proxies. There's no need for that performance penalty.

Simply use this:

/** nameIn<Foo>().xyz simply returns 'xyz', but lets the TypeScript compiler
 *  1. check that 'xyz' is a property of Foo
 *  2. rename the reference to `xyz` when Foo.xyz is renamed */
export function nameIn<T>() {
    return _name_proxy as unknown as { [P in keyof T]: P };
const _name_proxy = new Proxy({}, { get(target, key) { return key; } });

I call it nameIn<T> rather than nameOf<T> because it doesn't return T itself as a string. Example usage:

// renaming `six` (F2 in VS Code) will rename references after `nameIn`
class Class { six = 6; };

// TypeScript knows the type is "six" (even without the `: "six"`)
const nameOfIt: "six" = nameIn<Class>().six;

Arguably this is too permissive, e.g. the compiler accepts

type Anything = { [k:string]: any };
const fooName = nameIn<Anything>().foo; // inferred type: string

Here's a version that won't permit the things like that:

export function nameIn<T>() {
    return _name_proxy as unknown as NamedPropsOf<{ [P in keyof T]: P }>;
const _name_proxy = new Proxy({}, { get(target, key) { return key; } });

// Based on "RemoveIndexSignature" from https://stackoverflow.com/a/77814151/22820
/** Keeps named properties of T, removing index props like `[k:string]: T` */
export type NamedPropsOf<T, P=PropertyKey> = {
    [K in keyof T as (P extends K ? never : (K extends P ? K : never))]: T[K]

nameof for classes and functions

The top answer, where nameof(console) becomes "console", requires some kind of compile-time transform. However, there is a built-in JavaScript feature that works like nameof for classes and functions:

export function Bar() {}
const barName = Bar.name;

// BTW some alternatives to this don't work if the constructor is non-public
export class Foo { private constructor() { } }
const fooName = Foo.name;

Unfortunately the type of .name is string rather than the actual name, but you still get the basic benefit of being able to rename the class or function without breaking your program.

Footnote: .name gives you the name of a function, not the name of the variable that holds the function, but JavaScript has some magic to assign names on const/let/var assignments (tested in Chrome and Firefox):

// square1.name is 'square1'
const square1 = x => x*x;

// square2.name is 'square2'
const square2 = function (x) { return x*x; };

// square3.name is 'Sqr'
const square3 = function Sqr (x) { return x*x };

// square4.name is 'square2'
const square4 = square2;

Footnote: I tried this workaround, but TypeScript always infers S as string:

export function nameOf<T extends {name:S}, S extends string>(funcOrClass: T): S {
    return funcOrClass.name;

const foo = nameOf(Foo); // foo: string
const bar = nameOf(Bar); // bar: string

// And even this doesn't work!
const baz = nameOf({ name: 'baz' as const }); // baz: string

Another concise solution could be to use Proxy

export default function nameOf<T extends object>(nameExtractor: (obj: T) => any): keyof T {
    const proxy = new Proxy({} as T, {
      get(target, prop: string | symbol) {
        return prop;
    return nameExtractor(proxy);

use it like that

const propName = nameOf<MyObjectType>((obj) => obj.prop);

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