I created an R package on Windows 10 machine using RStudio Version 1.1.453
The package can be found on GitHub
When I ran check()
, there were zero errors, warning, notes.
After submitting to CRAN, I received error for Debian,
> ShowPalettePhoto("GoldenTemple")
Error in readJPEG(x, native = TRUE) :
unable to open /srv/hornik/tmp/CRAN/RanglaPunjab.Rcheck/RanglaPunjab/img/goldentemple.jpg
Calls: ShowPalettePhoto -> readJPEG
Below is how I implemented function to show a photo.
How do I implement so it can be viewed in Debian (or any OS)?
Please point me in the right direction.
ShowPalettePhoto <- function(name){
pal <- RanglaPunjab(name)
if (is.null(pal))
stop("palette not found.")
x <- tolower(name)
sysloc <- system.file(package="RanglaPunjab")
x <- paste (sysloc,"/img/",x,".jpg", sep="")
jj <- readJPEG(x,native=TRUE)