I'd like to extract author names from pdf papers. Does anybody know a robust way to do so?
For example, I'd like to extract the name Archana Shukla
from this pdf https://arxiv.org/pdf/1111.1648
I'd like to extract author names from pdf papers. Does anybody know a robust way to do so?
For example, I'd like to extract the name Archana Shukla
from this pdf https://arxiv.org/pdf/1111.1648
PDF documents contain Metadata. It includes information about the document and its contents such as the author’s name, keywords, copyright information. See Adobe doc.
You can use PyPDF2 to extract PDF Metadata. See the documentation about the DocumentInformation class.
This information may not be filled and can appear blank. So, one possibility is to parse the beginning or the end of the text and extract what you think is the author name. Of course, it is not reliable. But, if you have a bibliographic database, to can try a match.
Nowadays, editors like Microsoft Word or Libre Office Writer always fill the author name in the Metadata. And it is copied in the PDF when you export your documents. So, this should work for you. Give it a try and tell us!
I am going to pre-suppose that you have a way to extract text from a PDF document, so the question is really "how can I figure out the author from this text". I think one straightforward solution is to use the correspondence email. Here is an example implementation:
import difflib
# Some sample text
Archana Shukla\nDepartment of Computer Science and Engineering,
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology,
Allahabad\[email protected]\nABSTRACT\nI present a tool which
tells the quality of document or its usefulness based on annotations."""
def find_author(some_text):
words = some_text.split(" ")
emails = []
for word in words:
if "@" in word:
emails_clean = emails[0].split("\n")
actual_email = [a for a in emails_clean if "@" in a]
actual_email = actual_email[0]
maybe_name = actual_email.split("@")[0]
all_words_lists = [a.split("\n") for a in words]
words = [a for sublist in all_words_lists for a in sublist]
return difflib.get_close_matches(maybe_name, words)
In this case, find_author(pdf_text)
returns ['Archana']
. It's not perfect, but it's not incorrect. I think you could likely extend this in some clever ways, perhaps by getting the next word after the result or by combining this guess with metadata, or even by finding the DOI in the document if/when it exists and looking it up through some API, but nonetheless I think this should be a good starting point.
is from this answer, modified for the context of this question.
May 29, 2018 at 5:21
First thing first, there are some pdfs out there which pages are image. I don't know if you can extract the text from image easily. But from the pdf link you mentioned, I think it can be done. There is exist a package called PyPDF2 which as I know, can extract the text from pdf. All that left is to scan the last few pages and parse the Author names.
An example on how to use the package described here. Some of the code listed there is as follows:
import PyPDF2
pdfFileObj = open('meetingminutes.pdf', 'rb')
pdfReader = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(pdfFileObj)
pageObj = pdfReader.getPage(0)